

Innovative Design and Application of a Large-Scale Electrochemical Energy Storage Power Station


在"双碳"目标下,储能电站成为构建新型电力系统的重要组成部分.文章提出了一种大型储能电站标准化、模块化集成设计方案,介绍了其实证应用效果.基于模块化集成设计方案,设计了储能电站全景运行监测系统.提出了基于Ethercat环网的储能电站快速协调控制技术,权衡了多机并联系统的功率分配一致性,提升了储能电站动态响应性能.考虑多组合控制模式和储能电站荷电状态(state of charge,SOC),设计了自适应调整的虚拟惯量控制策略和一次调频控制策略,提升了储能电站主动支撑能力.所提方案在福建霞浦储能电站进行了实证.相比于传统方案,所设计新型方案的多机并联储能变流器(power conversion system,PCS)的同步性更佳、整站响应速度更快,可为电网提供主动惯性支撑和调频服务.

To achieve the "dual carbon" goal,energy storage power plants have become an important component in the development of a new type of power system. This paper proposes a design innovation and empirical application for a large energy-storage power station. A panoramic operational monitoring system for energy storage power plants was designed based on a modular integrated design scheme. A fast coordinated control technology for energy storage power plants based on the Ethercat technique was proposed,which balances the power distribution consistency of multimachine parallel systems and improves the dynamic response performance of energy storage power plants. Considering the control switching modes and SOC states of energy storage power plants,adaptive virtual inertia control and primary frequency modulation control were designed to obtain active support capabilities. The proposed scheme was empirically demonstrated at the Xiapu Energy Storage Power Station in Fujian Province. Compared with traditional schemes,the proposed scheme has better multi-PCS synchronization,faster overall station response speed,and can provide active inertial support and frequency modulation services for the power grid.


宁德时代新能源科技股份有限公司,福建省宁德市 352000



novel energy storage power plantsenergy storage system integrationcontrol systemoperation monitoringvirtual inertia control

《电力建设》 2024 (006)

91-99 / 9

国家重点研发计划(2023YFB248200)This work is supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2023YFB248200).

