

Influence of Clay Layering Properties on the Embedment Loss of Suction Embedded Plate Anchors



In marine engineering,seabed soils often exhibit layering phenomena.The distribution of homogeneous soil and normally consolidated soils in seabed soils is referred to as soil layering proper-ties.Based on the Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian(CEL)method,a large deformation finite element model was established to analyze the rotational adjustment process of the suction embedded plate an-chors(SEPLA)under different soil layering properties.The validity of the model was verified through comparison with centrifuge tests and numerical simulations.The embedment loss of plate anchors un-der different clay layering properties was investigated by using double-layered clay as an example.The index sul.ave/su2.0 was defined to measure the clay layering properties,and the influence of the distance d from the mooring point to the soil layer interface on embedment loss of plate anchors was examined un-der different sul.ave/su2.0 values.The results showed that in double-layered clay with sul.ave/su2.0>1,as d increased,the embedment loss of the plate anchors gradually decreased.When d≤-0.5B and d≥1B,the embedment loss was only affected by the strength of the upper and lower soil layers,respec-tively.In double-layered clay with sul.ave/su2.0<1,as d increased,the embedment loss of the plate an-chors initially increased and then decreased,reaching a maximum value ΔZmax at d=1B,which was 32%to 123%larger than the embedment loss in the single-layered soil.Additionally,in the double-layered clay with sul.ave/su2.0<1,the embedment loss of the plate anchors was related to the average strength of the upper soil sul.ave and the soil strength at the anchor embedment depth sue.Due to the exis-tence of a maximum embedment loss value ΔZmax,which poses a significant risk in engineering,the ef-fects of the strength ratio sul.ave/sue,the soil strength at the anchor embedment depth sue,and the initial embedment depth H of plate anchors on ΔZmax were investigated.


太原理工大学水利科学与工程学院,山西太原 030024太原理工大学水利科学与工程学院,山西太原 030024太原理工大学水利科学与工程学院,山西太原 030024太原理工大学水利科学与工程学院,山西太原 030024



clay layered propertysuction embedded plate anchorsembedment lossfinite element analysis

《防灾减灾工程学报》 2024 (3)



