Analysis and evaluation of soil fertility of main peach orchards in Guan-zhong area of Shaanxi province
[目的]调查陕西省关中地区桃园土壤肥力状况,旨在为该区桃园土壤养分管理和施肥提供科学依据.[方法]以咸阳、宝鸡、铜川和渭南4市共24个桃园0~40 cm土层土壤为研究对象,对土壤容重、孔隙度、pH及有机质、全氮、有效磷、有效钾、硝态氮和铵态氮含量进行测定分析并评价.[结果]陕西省关中地区桃园0~20 cm土层土壤容重和孔隙度处于适宜范围,而在>20~40 cm土层,咸阳地区土壤容重较高,宝鸡地区土壤容重较高且孔隙度较低,均超出适宜范围;研究区土壤pH平均值为8.1,除宝鸡桃园土壤pH在6.4~6.9之间外,其余地区桃园均为碱性土壤,pH在8.2~9.0之间;陕西省关中地区土壤肥力总体水平不高,土壤有机质最为缺乏,在0~40 cm土层中,66.7%以上的桃园土壤有机质和全氮含量均处于缺乏水平;0~40 cm土壤有效钾含量均处于适宜或丰富水平,>20~40 cm土层的土壤有效磷含量处于缺乏水平;关中地区速效氮平均含量(w,后同)为10.8 mg·kg-1,处于缺乏状态,其中渭南的桃园土壤氨态氮和硝态氮含量最高,0~40 cm土层平均值分别为5.1 mg·kg-1,13.6 mg·kg-1,咸阳、铜川地区次之,宝鸡地区最低.[结论]陕西省关中地区桃园土壤有机质含量低,肥力低,应采取综合措施调节土壤通气保水性、降低碱度并培肥土壤.
[Objective]Peach is an important cash crop in Shaanxi province,which plays an important role in increasing farmers'income and rural revitalization.According to the statistics of Shaanxi Year-book in 2021,peach producing areas in Shaanxi are mainly concentrated in the Guanzhong Plain,with an output of about 640 000 t,accounting for about 84%of the peach output in the province.Among them,Xianyang area(XYA)ranks the first,and the main producing areas are distributed in Liquan,Jing-yang and Qian county,followed by Dali county in Weinan area(WNA).Although Shaanxi is a suitable ecological cultivation area for peach,the overall fruit quality is not satisfactory.Peasant household's lack of scientific soil management for peach orchards is a major reason,and growers mainly rely on ex-perience to fertilize and conduct daily soil operations.Therefore,in this study,soil samples from the main peach producing areas in Guanzhong,Shaanxi province were collected to quantitatively determine their nutrient elements,so as to understand the soil conditions of peach orchards in Guanzhong area of Shaanxi province,explore their physical properties and nutritional abundance,and provide scientific basis for soil management and fertilization in peach orchards.[Methods]Soil samples at 0-20 cm and>20-40 cm soil layers were collected from 24 peach orchards in Xianyang area(XYA),Baoji area(BJA),Tongchuan area(TCA)and Weinan area(WNA)in Guanzhong region of Shaanxi province.Based on the nutrient classification standard of the second national soil survey and previous studies,the soil nutri-ent status in major peach orchards in Guanzhong region of Shaanxi province was evaluated and ana-lyzed.The surveyed indexes included soil bulk density,porosity,pH value,organic matter,total nitro-gen,effective phosphorus,effective potassium,nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen contents.[Re-sults]The soil bulk density and porosity at 0-20 cm soil layer of peach orchards in Guanzhong area of Shaanxi province were found in a suitable range.However,at the>20-40 cm soil layer,the soil vol-ume density was high in XYA and high with low porosity in BJA,which were beyond the suitable range.The soil was relatively tight,which was not conducive to soil nitrogen permeability and water re-tention.The average pH value in peach orchards soil in Guanzhong region was 8.1,except for the pH value in BJA between 6.4 and 6.9,which in other areas were alkaline soil,with pH values between 8.2 and 9.0.The overall level of soil fertility in Guanzhong region was not high,and especially the soil or-ganic matter was in the most lacking status.At 0-40 cm soil layer,the soil organic matter and total nitro-gen contents of more than 66.7%peach orchards were at deficient levels.The content of organic matter and total nitrogen decreased with the increase of soil depth.The average content of 0~20 cm soil in Guanzhong area was 12.38 g·kg-1,and at>20-40 cm soil layer it was 10.5 g·kg-1.In addition,the aver-age total nitrogen content at 0-20 cm soil layer was 0.81 mg·kg-1,and at>20-40 cm soil layer it was 0.58 mg·kg-1.The effective phosphorus and effective potassium contents at 0-20 cm soil layer in the in-vestigated area were basically not in shortage state,but with the increase of soil depth,some of the soil at>20-40 cm soil layer was in lacking state,especially in TCA.In the soil of 0-20 cm soil,the propor-tion of effective phosphorus content at the deficiency level was 16.7%and in>20-40 cm soil it was 58.3%.In terms of effective potassium content,the orchards with 0-20 cm soil at abundant or suitable level accounted for 37.5%,and in>20-40 cm soil,they were at a deficient level.The average content of active nitrogen(active nitrogen=nitrate nitrogen+nitrate nitrogen)in peach orchard soil in Guan-zhong region was 10.8 mg·kg-1,which was in a lacking state.Among them,the highest nitrate nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen contents were found in WNA,followed by XYA and TCA,and the lowest was found in BJA.[Conclusion]According to this survey,the results of the soil fertility status of the main peach orchards in Guanzhong region,Shaanxi province showed that the nutrient resource management in this region should focus on increasing the soil organic matter content,fertilizing the soil and promot-ing the conversion of total nitrogen to mineral nitrogen.Among them,XYA and BJA areas should strengthen the deep loosening and soil preparation to increase the air permeability and water retention at>20-40 cm soil layer.Mainly affected by the geographical location,the soil pH of peach orchards in XYA,TCA and WNA except BJA was in a weak alkaline or strongly alkaline state,so the technology can be used by applying more acidic fertilizer or orchard grass to adjust the soil pH value.The contents of total nitrogen and organic matter,mineral nitrogen,namely nitrate nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen,were lacking.The main source of soil nitrogen is the provision of organic matter after mineralization and decomposition,so it is very important to fertilize the soil by increasing the content of soil organic matter.
西北农林科技大学园艺学院,陕西杨凌 712100西北农林科技大学园艺学院,陕西杨凌 712100西北农林科技大学园艺学院,陕西杨凌 712100西北农林科技大学园艺学院,陕西杨凌 712100西北农林科技大学资源环境学院,陕西杨凌 712100
Peach orchardSoil nutrient statusFertility evaluationGuanzhong area of Shaanxi
《果树学报》 2024 (6)