某330 kV地下变电站底板浇筑温度的影响参数分析OA
Analysis of Influencing Parameters on the Pouring Temperature of Base Plate for a 330 kV Underground Substation
地下变电站建设中经常涉及大体积混凝土浇筑,控制施工时的混凝土温度非常关键.该文以某330 kV地下变电站为工程实例,建立ANSYS有限元分析模型,对不同施工参数下的底板大体积混凝土进行温度场、应力场仿真分析,得出混凝土入模温度、保温层厚度、冷却水管相关参数和地基约束程度等施工参数对底板温度场、应力场的影响规律和影响程度,提出相应的施工优化建议.明确工程底板浇筑温度的影响参数,能够为地下变电站工程及大体积混凝土浇筑温度控制提供依据.
Mass concrete pouring is often involved in the construction of underground substation,so it is important to control the temperature of concrete during construction.Based on the engineering project of a 330 kV underground substation,the ANSYS finite element analysis model of temperature field and stress field for the mass concrete under different influencing parameters have been simulated to draw the influence of construction parameters such as the temperature of concrete mixer,insulation layer thickness,cooling water pipe parameters and foundation constraint.The corresponding construction optimization suggestions are put forward.It can provide the basis for underground substation and mass concrete pouring temperature control to define parameters influencing the pouring temperature of base plate.
中国能源建设集团陕西省电力设计院有限公司,陕西 西安 710054||中国能建工程研究院智能变电技术研究所,陕西 西安 710054
underground substationpouring temperaturemass concrete
《电力勘测设计》 2024 (6)