

Engineering Practice of Waterfall Reoxygenation Controll in Deep-Bed Denitrification Filter in WWTP


反硝化深床滤池一般为露天池体,污水在跌落过程中,与大气充分接触,会使滤池中溶解氧增加,而溶解氧是导致反硝化深床滤池碳源利用率低的一个主因.选取大清河流域某污水厂为研究对象,开展反硝化深床滤池跌水复氧控制的工程研究.通过检测反硝化深床滤池溶解氧、水温、碳源利用效率等变化情况,发现反硝化深床滤池全年溶解氧均处于较高值,且夏季溶解氧、碳源投加量均低于冬季.通过对反硝化深床滤池顶部加盖密封进行复氧控制的工程改造实践,冬季运行结果表明,密封良好的加盖措施能有效控制滤池跌水复氧,滤池上层进水溶解氧由8.90 mg/L降至4.80 mg/L,且还具有一定的保温效果.污水厂在冬季运行时碳源投加量由191 mg/L减少至170 mg/L,平均每去除1 mg/L的总氮需投加碳源23.68 mg/L,碳源利用效率提高了约10%.

Deep-bed denitrification filters are generally open-air tanks.During the process of wastewater falling,full contact with the atmosphere could increase the dissolved oxygen in the filter,which is a major cause of low carbon source utilization in deep-bed denitrification filters.A wastewater treatment plant(WWTP)in the Daqing River was selected as the research object to carry out an engineering study on the control of waterfall reoxygenation in a deep-bed denitrification filter.By detecting changes in dissolved oxygen,water temperature,and carbon source utilization efficiency in deep-bed denitrification filters,it was found that dissolved oxygen in deep-bed denitrification filters was at a high value throughout the year,and the amount of dissolved oxygen and carbon source added in summer was lower than that in winter.Through the engineering transformation practice of capping and sealing the top of deep-bed denitrification filter to control reaeration,the winter operation results showed that the well sealed capping measures could effectively control the waterfall reoxygenation of the filter,and the dissolved oxygen in the upper influent of the filter was reduced from 8.90 mg/L to 4.80 mg/L,with a certain thermal insulation effect.During the winter operation of the WWTP,the carbon source dosage was reduced from 191 mg/L to 170 mg/L.On average,23.68 mg/L of carbon source was required for every 1 mg/L of total nitrogen removed,and the carbon source utilization efficiency was improved by about 10%.


北京恩菲环保股份有限公司,北京 100038北京恩菲环保股份有限公司,北京 100038涿州中设环保有限公司,河北涿州 072750北京恩菲环保股份有限公司,北京 100038涿州中设环保有限公司,河北涿州 072750



waterfall reoxygenationdeep-bed denitrification filter(DBDF)carbon source consumptionreoxygenation controldenitrification capacity

《净水技术》 2024 (6)


