

Design and implementation of an intelligent management system for digital twin workshop scheduling based on mixed reality


车间调度管理作为生产中的关键环节,其智能化水平对于数字化车间的建设起着重要作用.在现有车间调度管理中,信息发布媒介主要为公共空间中的二维实体看板,限制了车间的智能化发展.为满足车间调度管理需求,引入混合现实(Mixed Reality,MR)技术与数字孪生技术,提出MR数字孪生车间调度智能管理系统六维模型.在此基础上,建立了基于MR的数字孪生车间调度智能管理系统框架;研究面向MR的数字孪生车间调度信息的可视化技术,构建车间调度过程中的全要素信息模型,为车间调度可视化管理提供统一的数据基础,实现车间信息的直观表达;探究面向MR的数字孪生车间的多模态交互式信息获取技术,提出MR应用中多模态交互式的信息智能获取策略,以实现信息的高效获取;最后,通过人机交互试验,以生产调度的3种典型场景为例验证所提系统的性能,结果证明,所提系统可以显著提升车间调度效率,提高用户体验.

As a key link in production,the intelligent level of workshop scheduling management plays an important role in the construction of digital workshop.In the existing workshop scheduling management,the information release medium is mainly two-dimensional physical kanban in public space,which limits the intelligent development of workshops.To meet the requirements of workshop scheduling management,Mixed Reality(MR)technology and digital twin technology were introduced to propose a six-dimensional model of MR digital twin workshop scheduling intelligent management system.On this base,a framework of MR-based digital twin workshop scheduling intelligent management system was established;the visualization technology of scheduling infor-mation for MR-based digital twin workshop was studied,and a full-element information model for workshop scheduling process was constructed,which provides a unified data foundation for workshop scheduling visualization management and intuitively expresses of workshop information;the multi-modal interactive information acquisition technology for MR-based digital twin workshop was explored,and a multi-modal interactive information intelligent acquisition strategy in MR application was proposed to achieve effi-cient information acquisition;finally,through human-computer interaction experiments,three typical scenarios of production sched-uling were taken as examples to verify the performance of the system proposed.The results show that the proposed system can sig-nificantly improve the efficiency of workshop scheduling and enhance user experience.


湖北中烟工业责任有限公司,武汉 430040湖北中烟工业责任有限公司,武汉 430040湖北中烟工业责任有限公司,武汉 430040湖北中烟工业责任有限公司,武汉 430040湖北中烟工业责任有限公司,武汉 430040



mixed realitydigital twinworkshop schedulinginformation visualization

《现代制造工程》 2024 (6)


