

Guidelines for integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine diagnosis and treatment of severe acute pancreatitis


重症急性胰腺炎起病急、进展快,临床病理变化复杂,病死率高达20%~30%.长期的临床实践与基础研究发现,单纯依赖西医治疗重症急性胰腺炎并不尽如人意,中西医结合治疗能够展现出更为确切的疗效,具有显著的优势.本指南以循证医学证据为基础,结合国内外指南及临床实践,广泛征求专家建议与意见,最终凝练了28个临床问题.具体阐释了重症急性胰腺炎的病因病机与诊断标准,以及中西医结合分型、病程分期、治疗与治疗的关键点,以期对重症急性胰腺炎的中西医结合诊断标准和治疗原则进行规范.该指南经中华中医药学会发布,标准编号:T/CACM 1518-2023.

Severe acute pancreatitis(SAP)is characterized by rapid onset and progression,complex clinicopathological changes,and a mortality rate of as high as 20%—30%.Long-term clinical practice and basic research have shown that relying solely on Western medicine for the treatment of SAP may not achieve satisfactory outcomes,and integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine therapy has a marked clinical effect and significant advantages.Based on evidence-based medicine and with reference to related guidelines and clinical practice in China and globally,these guidelines summarize 28 clinical questions after widely soliciting opinions and suggestions from experts.This document specifically elaborates on the etiology,pathogenesis,and diagnostic criteria of SAP,as well as the key points of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine typing,disease staging,treatment methods,and therapies,so as to standardize the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine diagnostic criteria and treatment principles of SAP.



Severe Acute PancreatitisIntegrated Traditional Chinese Medicine&Western MedicinePractice Guideline

《临床肝胆病杂志》 2024 (006)

1114-1125 / 12

天津市中医药重点领域科技项目(2022005);天津市自然科学基金重点项目(21JCZDJC00550);天津市卫生健康委员会中医中西医结合课题重点项目(2021006);天津市131创新型人才团队项目(201938) Tianjin Science and Technology Project in Key Areas of Traditional Chinese Medicine(2022005);Tianjin Natural Science Foundation Key Project(21JCZDJC00550);Tianjin Municipal Health Commission Key Project of Combined Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Subjects(2021006);Tianjin 131 Innovative Talent Team Project(201938)

