

Research on Characteristics of Explosive Growth of Ammonium Salt and PM2 5 Concentration in Ambient Air



Because of the severity of air pollution control,fine particulate pollution is especially the focus of attention.Leshan,Sichuan was selected as the research object in this paper to study the explosive growth of PM2 5 concentration that occurred frequently in 2021.According to the analysis on characteristics of major gaseous pollutants and concentration changes of ammonium ions,sulfate ions and nitrate ions,it was concluded that:the explosive growth of PM2.5 concentration in Leshan was significantly correlated with the secondary inorganic cation(NH4+)and anion(SO42-and NO3-),and the maximum Pearson correlation coefficients were 0.939,0.954,and 0.832;PM2 5 was also significantly positively correlated with primary pollutants,such as SO2 and CO;and the maximum Pearson correlation coefficients were 0.940 and 0.952;and the impact of coal sources reached 90%of the case statistics.Based on the convergence of surface wind direction data and ammonium ion concentration,it is further inferred that the pollution source is related to the emission of large coal-burning and ammonia-related enterprises in the south of Leshan,providing guidance for further pollution prevention and control and precise control.


四川省乐山生态环境监测中心站,四川乐山 614000乐山市气象局气象台,四川乐山 614000



PM2.5ammonium saltpollution prevention and control

《四川环境》 2024 (003)

12-18 / 7


