Application of Overlayand Index Method for Assessment of Groundwater Contamination Risk in Industrial Park
An industrial park is a key groundwater pollution source.Therefore,it is of great significance to carry out groundwater pollution risk assessment on an industrial park to promote the prevention and control of groundwater pollution.This paper took an industrial park in southwest Sichuan province as an example,assessed itsgroundwater contamination risk by the overlay and index method,and verified the assessment results by using the Spearman's coefficient between the nitrate concentration in the groundwater and the groundwater contamination risk.The assessed results indicated:the studied industrial park as a whole was at low risk of groundwater contamination;most areas were at low and medium risk;and the high-risk area accounted for 3.24%,scattered in the central and northern part.The Spearman's coefficient is p=0.81,indicating the correlation was significant,therefore,the overlay and index method is suitable to assess the groundwater contamination risk of industrial park.The research results provide a scientific basis for reducing the risk of groundwater pollution in industrial parks and the prevention and control of groundwater pollution in industrial parks.
四川省生态环境科学研究院,成都 610041四川省生态环境科学研究院,成都 610041四川省生态环境科学研究院,成都 610041四川省生态环境科学研究院,成都 610041四川省生态环境科学研究院,成都 610041四川省生态环境科学研究院,成都 610041四川省生态环境科学研究院,成都 610041四川省生态环境科学研究院,成都 610041
Overlay and index methodassessment on groundwater contamination riskgroundwater vulnerabilitygroundwater pollution source loadanalytical hierarchy processindustrial park
《四川环境》 2024 (3)