Pollution Characteristics,Source Analysis and Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons of Farmland Soil Inside and Around a Typical Chemical Industry Park
为研究化工园区周边农田土壤中多环芳烃(PAHs)的污染状况,对淄博市某典型化工园区内部及周边农田土壤中PAHs的污染水平、分布特征进行了研究,运用高低环比值法和主成分分析法进行来源分析,毒性当量因子法进行风险评价.结果表明,研究区域16种PAHs含量(∑16PAHs)在74.4~545.5 μg/kg,均值为221.2 μg/kg;采样区域PAHs浓度由高到低依次为:大型化工企业周边>园区内部>园区周边(<1000 m)>园区周边(1000~2000 m)>对照区;研究区域以高环(4~6环)PAHs为主,距离污染源越远,高环PAHs占比越低.来源分析显示,研究区域农田土壤中PAHs来源为混合源,主要来自煤炭燃烧,其次是石油源和交通排放源.风险评价结果表明,研究区域土壤中PAHs潜在致癌风险较小,7种致癌性PAHs是致癌风险的主要贡献者,其中二苯并(a,h)蒽贡献率最大,苯并(a)芘次之.
In order to study the pollution status of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)in the farmland soil around a chemical industry park,the pollution level and distribution characteristics of PAHs in the farmland soil inside and around a typical chemical industry park were analyzed in Zibo.The sources of PAHs were analyzed by using the high-low molecular ratio method and principal component analysis method,and the ecological risk was assessed based on the toxic equivalent quantity(TEQ)method.The results showed that the total concentrations of 16 PAHs(∑16PAHs)ranged from 74.4~545.5 μg/kg,with the mean value of 221.2 μg/kg.The degree of PAHs pollution in the sampling area from high to low was as follows:soil surrounding large chemical enterprises>soil inside the park>soil around the park(<1000 m)>soil around the park(1000~2000 m)>soil in the control area.The research areas were dominated by high molecular PAHs(4~6 rings),and the farther away from the pollution source,the lower the proportion of high molecular PAHs.The source analysis showed that the PAHs in the farmland soil in the research areas were mixed sources,mainly from coal burning,followed by volatilization of oil and traffic emissions.The risk assessment results showed that there were low potential carcinogenic risks of PAHs in the research areas,and the seven carcinogenic PAHs were the main contributors to the carcinogenic risk,with the highest contribution of dibenzo(a,h)anthracene and followed by benzo(a)pyrene.
山东省淄博生态环境监测中心,山东淄博 255040山东省淄博生态环境监测中心,山东淄博 255040山东省淄博生态环境监测中心,山东淄博 255040山东省淄博生态环境监测中心,山东淄博 255040山东省淄博生态环境监测中心,山东淄博 255040
Chemical industry parkfarmland soilPAHspollution characteristicsource analysisrisk assessment
《四川环境》 2024 (3)