

Discovery of quartz vein-type tungsten ore body in Chaishan deposit of Shizhuyuan ore field,South Hunan and its indication for deep prospecting



The Shizhuyuan ore field in Hunan is well-known for its rich concentration of skarn-type tungsten-tin polymetallic deposits.Recent pit exploration at the Chaishan deposit has unveiled a group of newly discovered quartz vein-type tungsten ore body.The ore body intersects the early skarn,indicating a distinctly late mineraliza-tion phase.The discovery not only presents a novel clue for deep exploration in the Shizhuyuan ore field,but also offers an ideal location for investigating the genetic relationship between skarn-type tungsten ore and quartz vein-type tungsten ore in this region.This study investigates the mineral geochemistry and fluid inclusions of wolfram-ite,scheelite,and quartz in the Chaishan quartz vein-type tungsten deposit.The results show that the Chaishan wolframite displays a left-inclin distribution pattern of REE with a noticeable negative Eu anomaly,similar to the geochemical characteristics observed in the wolframite of the Yaogangxian deposit.Scheelite found within quartz veins exhibits a flat REE distribution pattern with a negative Eu anomaly,which is similar to that of skarn-type scheelite in the surrounding area.However,there is no discernible fractionation effect,and the Mo content re-mains significantly low.The Y/Ho ratio of scheelite(ranging from 6.21 to 22.35)within the same ore body signi-ficantly surpasses that of wolframite(ranging from 4.61 to 5.95),a phenomenon likely attributable to the late-stage crystallization of fluorite.The temperature and salinity of fluid inclusions within scheelite and quartz nota-bly differ from those observed in skarn-type tungsten deposits,exhibiting traits indicative of medium to high tem-peratures and medium to low salinity levels in the ore-forming fluids.Considering the findings from mineralogi-cal studies,fluid inclusions analysis,and the ore body's occurrence features,it is inferred that the Chaishan quartz vein-type tungsten deposit and the skarn-type tungsten deposit are distinct magmatic hydrothermal formations originating from disparate sources and geological stages.The ore-forming fluid associated with the quartz vein-type tungsten deposit is postulated to originate from the later stages of granitic magmatism subsequent to the em-placement of the Qianlishan biotite granite in the Shizhuyuan ore field.It is conjectured there is a late-stage mag-matic mineralization in the deeper regions of the southern section of the mining area,potentially interconnected with the quartz vein-type tungsten mineralization.It is anticipated that there exists untapped"second prospecting space"within the deeper sections of the Chaishan skarn-type ore body within the Shizhuyuan ore field.


中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所自然资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室,北京 100037湖南柿竹园有色金属有限责任公司,湖南郴州 423037



quartz vein-typegeochemistryfluid inclusionShizhuyuan

《矿床地质》 2024 (003)

599-612 / 14


