

Geological characteristics and genesis analysis of copper deposits in the Zhongchang mining area of Huili County



The mining area is located in the middle section of the Miyi Qiong fault bundle in the central southern section of the Kangdian axis.This area has a relatively complex tectonic movement,with folded and fractured structures developed in the region.The alteration of surrounding rocks such as silicification and dolomitization is closely related to copper deposits.The interlayer sliding zone of dolomite and marble formed by metamorphic factors in carbonate rock series is the main location for the occurrence of ore bodies and plays a significant controlling role in their production.The structure within the area is closely related to the enrichment of the ore deposit,and the ore body is mainly enriched in the lower part of the ore bearing layer.The article systematically discusses the geological characteristics of copper deposits in the Zhongchang mining area based on practice,and analyzes their genesis,in order to provide some reference for the exploration work in the area.


四川省冶金地质勘查院,四川 成都 610051四川省自然资源投资集团有限责任公司,四川 成都 610051四川省冶金地质勘查院,四川 成都 610051



Zhongchang Copper MineGeological characteristicsOrigin of mineral depositsExploration markers

《世界有色金属》 2024 (7)

