

Sound Insulation Properties of Dual-Mass Membrane-Type Acoustic Metamaterial


基于超材料隔声原理设计了一种双质量块薄膜型声学超材料结构,通过试验和有限元方法对其隔声性能进行了研究,并基于数值方法进一步研究了其隔声特性影响因素.结果表明:所设计的双质量块薄膜型声学超材料在中低频区域能产生两个传声损失峰值;增加薄膜上质量块半径或厚度会使传声损失曲线整体向低频区域移动;增加质量块之间距离会使第一个隔声峰对应频率和第二隔声峰对应频率出现先减小后增大的变化规律,当质量块之间距离在1.2 mm左右时,第一隔声峰对应频率的极小值为440 Hz,当质量块之间距离在2.4 mm左右时,第二隔声峰对应频率的极小值为685 Hz;减小薄膜厚度或预应力会使传声损失曲线整体向低频区域移动.

Based on the principle of metamaterial sound insulation,a type of dual-mass membrane-type acoustic metamaterial is proposed and its sound insulation characteristics is studied by experiments and finite element method,and based on the numerical method,the influencing factors of its acoustic inslulation characteristiccs are furtherly analyzed.Research results show that the dual-mass membrane-type acoustic metamaterial can produce two peaks of acoustic loss in the middle and low frequency.Increasing the radius or thickness of the mass block on the membrane makes the sound transmission loss curve move to the low-frequency region.With Increasing the distance between the mass blocks,the corresponding frequencies of the first and second acoustic insulation peaks decrease and then increase.When the distance between the mass blocks is near 1.2 mm,the minimum of the frequency corresponding to the first sound insulation peak is 440 Hz.When the distance between the mass blocks is near 2.4 mm,the minimum of the frequency corresponding to the second sound insulation peak is 685 Hz.Reducing film thickness or pre-stress makes the sound transmission loss curve move to the low-frequency region.


西南交通大学力学与航空航天学院,成都 611756西南交通大学力学与航空航天学院,成都 611756西南交通大学力学与航空航天学院,成都 611756


membrane-type acoustic metamateriallow frequency sound insulationmulti-isolation peaksdual-massCOMSOL

《四川轻化工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (3)



