

Analysis of Vibration Characteristics of Main Vessel Affected by LBE with Different Temperatures


采用流固耦合的方法,利用ANSYS软件对铅基快堆主容器在空气中和不同温度铅铋共晶(Lead-Bismuth Eutectic,LBE)介质中的振动特性进行了研究.主容器采用实体建模,铅铋共晶介质流体采用FLUID30单元进行模拟,考虑铅铋共晶介质附加质量对主容器振动特性的影响.计算结果表明,主容器在空气中的两种模型前六阶模态均为一阶梁式振型以及低阶壳式振型.由于两种模型约束条件的差异,振型出现的顺序有所不同.铅铋共晶环境中的前六阶振型与空气中相比,没有出现更高阶的振型,但由于附加质量的影响,其各阶频率计算值大幅下降,下降幅度在80%左右,同时伴随着振型互换的现象出现;随着温度的升高,主容器的各阶振型频率均呈现降低的趋势,当温度从150℃上升至390℃时,频率降低大约27.3%.

The vibration characteristics of lead-based fast reactor main vessel in air and lead-bismuth eutectic medium at different temperatures are studied by means of fluid-structure coupling and ANSYS software.Solid modeling is used for the main vessel,and the FLUID30 unit is used to simulate the fluid of lead-bismuth eutectic medium.The effect of additional mass of lead-bismuth eutectic medium on the vibration characteristics of the main vessel is considered.The results show that the first six modes of the two models are first-order beam mode and low-order shell mode.Because of the difference of the constraints of the two models,the order of the modes is different.Compared with that in the air,the first six order modes in the lead-bismuth eutectic environment did not show higher order modes.However,due to the influence of added mass,the calculated values of each order frequency decreased significantly by about 80%,which is accompanied by the phenomenon of mode exchange.With the increase of temperature,the frequency of each mode of the main vessel shows a decreasing trend.When the temperature increased from 150℃to 390℃,the frequency decreased by about 27.3%.


西南交通大学力学与航空航天学院,成都 611756||应用力学与结构安全四川省重点实验室,成都 611756西南交通大学力学与航空航天学院,成都 611756||应用力学与结构安全四川省重点实验室,成都 611756



fluid-structure couplinglead-bismuth eutecticmain vessellead-based fast reactorfinite element

《四川轻化工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (3)



