

Comparative Analysis of Physicochemical Characteristics and Taste Quality of Twelve Varieties of Colored Brown Rice


为了探究不同品种糙米的理化特性及食味品质的差异,运用皮尔逊相关性分析法对 13 个指标之间的关系进行分析,采用主成分分析法对 12 种糙米的品质进行综合评价.结果表明:糙米的食味值与蛋白质含量、直链淀粉含量呈负相关(P<0.01),硬度与直链淀粉含量呈正相关(P<0.05),黏度与蛋白质含量、直链淀粉含量呈负相关(P<0.05).通过主成分分析确定了 3 种主成分,累计贡献率达到 88.50%,用这 3 个主成分评价不同糙米的品质.主成分 1 综合了质构指标,主成分 2 综合了理化指标,主成分 3 综合了食味值、蛋白质含量和水分含量这 3 个指标.根据各指标的贡献率及综合评分,12 种糙米的品质由高到低排名为津育粳 1(小粒米)、津育特 28(SF28)、津育特 1(SF1)、津育特7(SF7)、津育特 20(SF20)、津特优 140(TD140)、津特优 1(TZ1)、津育特 39(SF39)、津特优 6(TZ6)、津特优139(TD139)、津育特8(SF8)、津育粳2(降糖米).本研究为优质糙米的筛选提供一定的理论依据.

To investigate the differences in physicochemical characteristics and taste quality of different varieties of brown rice,Pearson correlation analysis was applied to describing the relationships among 13 indicators,and principal component analysis was used to comprehensively evaluate the quality of 12 varieties of brown rice.The results showed that the taste value of brown rice was negatively correlated with the content of protein and straight-chain starch(P<0.01),hardness was positively correlated with straight-chain starch(P<0.05),and viscosity was negatively correlated with the content of protein and straight-chain amylose(P<0.05).The principal component analysis identified three principal components with a cumu-lative contribution of 88.50%,so the quality of different brown rice could be evaluated by these three principal components.Principal component 1 integrated the texture indexes;principal component 2 integrated the physicochemical indexes;and principal component 3 integrated the three indexes of taste value,protein and moisture.Based on the contribution of each index and the overall score,the 12 types of brown rice were ranked in terms of quality as Jinyujing1(small grain rice),Jinyute28(SF28),Jinyute1(SF1),Jinyute7(SF7),Jinyute20(SF20),Jinteyou140(TD140),Jinteyou1(TZ1),Jinyute39(SF39),Jinteyou6(TZ6),Jinteyou139(TD139),Jinyute8(SF8)and Jinyujing2(sugar-reduced rice).This study has provided a theoretical basis for the screening of high-quality brown rice.


天津科技大学食品科学与工程学院,天津 300457天津科技大学食品科学与工程学院,天津 300457天津天隆科技股份有限公司,天津 300457



brown ricephysicochemical characteristicstaste qualitycorrelation analysisprincipal component analysis

《天津科技大学学报》 2024 (3)


