

Quantitative Analysis on Methane Emission Reduction in Oil and Gas Pipeline Industry


油气行业作为甲烷排放的主要领域,探索及量化甲烷排放更有利于在2030年前实现"碳达峰",在2060年前达到"碳中和".为了加快我国油气系统中甲烷排放测量与估算的研究,文章提出天然气长输管道甲烷排放的量化案例,深入调研了某公司部分甲烷排放数据,并结合样本法和活动水平确定了甲烷排放量,最后预测了 6种减排技术所产生的甲烷减排量.通过对系统使用减排技术前后的甲烷排放量比较,充分应用减排技术后系统全年甲烷排放量为409 043.644 Nm3/a,减排效果可达94.453%.应用该方法进行天然气长输管道的甲烷减排量化,对油气行业早日达到"双碳"目标有深远的影响.

Exploring and quantifying methane emissions from the oil and gas sector,which is the main source of methane emissions,it underscores the importance of accurately exploring and quantifying these emissions in order to facilitate the ambitious goals of achieving a"carbon peak"by 2030 and attaining"carbon neutrality"by 2060.In order to accelerate the research of methane emission measurement and estimation in Chinese oil and gas system,this paper presents a quantitative case of methane emission from long distance natural gas pipeline,conducts in-depth investigation on some methane emission data of a company,determines methane emission by combining sample method and activity level,and finally predicts the methane emission reduction generated by six emission reduction technologies.By comparing the methane emissions before and after the use of emission reduction technology in the system,it is found that after fully applying the emission reduction technology,the annual methane emissions of the system are 409 043.644 Nm3/a,and the emission reduction effect can reach up to 94.453%.In this paper,this method is applied for the first time to quantify methane emission reduction in long distance natural gas pipelines,which will have a far-reaching impact on the oil and gas industry to reach the"two-carbon"goal as soon as possible.





long distance natural gas pipelinemethane emissionmethane emission reductionquantization method

《油气田环境保护》 2024 (3)


