

The Essential Exploration and Hierarchical Deconstruction of Scientific High-Level Thinking


科学高阶思维作为科学素养的核心要素,是科学教育与科技创新人才培养的重要内容.基于此,研究通过探寻科学高阶思维的本质,论证了思维结构的系统性、思维发展的层次性、思维表征的间接性、思维方式的学科取向性,进而演绎出基础思维方式,经由学科通达至高阶思维的发展路径,构建了思维发展的BDH层级框架.科学高阶思维可解构为科学推理、科学论证、科学建模三项关键维度,其所蕴含的各项基础思维方式需在科学探究实践中逐步达成.在深入理解三种科学高阶思维的内涵后,研究提取出 24 种基础思维方式,其中通用类 10 种、推理类 5 种、论证类 5 种、建模类 4 种.最后,研究构建了科学高阶思维实践发展模型,并以学科内容"水循环"为例,展示了基于"5E"教学模式,将学科内容与基础思维方式有效融合的具体实践探究过程,阐释了以基础思维方式作为基本单元的科学高阶思维培养过程和设计范式.

As the core element of scientific literacy,scientific high-level thinking is an important content of scientific educa-tion and scientific and technological innovation talent training.Based on this,by exploring the nature of the scientific thinking,demonstrates the systematic thinking structure,the hierarchy of thinking development,thinking representation of indirect,way of thinking orientation,and deduce the basic way of thinking through the development of advanced thinking path,build the BDH hierar-chy of thinking development framework.Scientific high-order thinking can be deconstructed into three key dimensions of scientific reasoning,scientific verification and scientific modeling,and the basic thinking modes contained in it should be gradually achieved in the practice of scientific inquiry.After a deep understanding of the connotation of three scientific advanced thinking,24 kinds of basic thinking were extracted,including 10 general,5 reasoning,5 demonstration and 4 modeling.Finally,build the scientific advanced thinking practice development model,and subject content"water cycle",for example,shows the"5E"teaching mode based on subject content and basic way of thinking effectively fusion concrete practice of inquiry process,illustrates the basic thinking way as the basic unit of scientific high-order thinking training process and design paradigm.


华南师范大学教育信息技术学院(广东广州 510000)华南师范大学教育信息技术学院(广东广州 510000)



Higher-Order ThinkingScientific Higher-Order ThinkingScience EducationScience Practice

《远程教育杂志》 2024 (3)



