

Impact Analysis of Helical Gear Mesh Bending Moment on Planetary Gear Journal Bearings Transient Lubrication Performance in Wind Turbine Gearboxes


风电齿轮箱行星轮滑动轴承常被设计为以行星轮内孔和销轴分别作为轴套和轴颈,然而斜齿轮啮合弯矩容易使行星轮与销轴之间产生轴线不对中,导致边缘接触风险高,影响运行寿命.以6 MW级传动链齿轮箱行星轮滑动轴承为研究对象,考虑滑动轴承径向载荷、弯矩以及转速的动态影响,建立了行星轮滑动轴承瞬态摩擦-动力学耦合模型,并以风电机组传动链SIMPACK动力学模型提取的行星轮动态啮合力与时变转速作为行星轮滑动轴承的载荷与运动边界输入,分析了斜齿轮啮合弯矩、输入扭矩和滑动轴承半径间隙对行星轮滑动轴承润滑性能的影响规律,并进行了实验验证.研究结果表明,行星轮动态啮合力及其产生的啮合弯矩会造成行星轮轴心位置与偏斜角产生动态循环变化,并且随着载荷的增加,行星轮滑动轴承油膜/固体接触压力与不对中弯矩会逐渐增大;减小行星轮滑动轴承半径间隙可以有效提高其瞬态润滑性能.

The journal bearings of planetary gears in wind turbine gearboxes were often designed with the inner holes of the planetary gears and the pin shaft as the shaft sleeve and journal,respective-ly.However,the meshing bending moment of the helical gears might easily cause misalignment be-tween the planetary gears and the pin shaft,resulting in high risk of edge contact and affecting the op-erating life.Taking the planetary gear journal bearing of a 6 MW drive chain gearbox as the research object,considering the dynamic effects of radial load,bending moment,and speed of the journal bear-ing,a transient tribo-dynamic coupling model of the planetary gear journal bearing was established.The dynamic meshing force and time-varying speed of the planetary gear extracted from the SIM-PACK dynamic model of the wind turbine drive chains were used as the load and motion boundary in-puts for the planetary gear journal bearings.The influences of the helical gear meshing bending mo-ment,input torque,and journal bearing radius clearance on the lubrication performances of the plane-tary gear journal bearing were analyzed,and experimental verification was conducted.The results in-dicate that the dynamic meshing force and generated meshing moment of the planetary gear will cause dynamic cyclic changes in the axial positions and deflection angle of the planetary gear,and as the load increases,the oil film/solid contact pressure and misalignment moment of the planetary gear journal bearings will gradually increase.Reducing the radial clearances of planetary gear journal bearings may ef-fectively improve their transient lubrication performance.





wind turbine gearboxjournal bearingtransient lubricationhelical gear

《中国机械工程》 2024 (006)

1010-1022 / 13


