

Investigation and Genotype Identification of Sheep Echinococcus in Yanggu County,Shandong Province


为初步调查山东省阳谷县羊棘球蚴病流行情况,2023 年 3-6 月采集阳谷县 4 个乡镇 1 332 份屠宰羊内脏进行临床检查,采用ELISA法检测养羊场 920 份血清样品棘球蚴IgG抗体阳性率,并对 5 份棘球蚴阳性样品的线粒体cox1 基因进行扩增、测序与分析.结果显示:18 只屠宰羊肝脏或肺脏检出棘球蚴,平均感染率为1.35%(18/1 332);17 份血清样品为棘球蚴IgG抗体阳性,平均抗体阳性率为 1.85%(17/920),其中不同乡镇羊棘球蚴感染率差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),≥6 岁羊群棘球蚴抗体阳性率显著高于 6 岁以下羊群(P<0.05),规模化羊场棘球蚴感染率显著高于散养场(P<0.05),品种和性别对棘球蚴感染率无显著影响;5 份阳性样品与G1 基因型细粒棘球绦虫虫株同源性最高.结果说明:阳谷县羊群存在棘球蚴感染,羊群饲养方式和年龄是影响棘球蚴感染率的重要因素,未发现品种和性别对棘球蚴感染的影响,且该地区棘球蚴流行株以G1 基因型为主,存在人兽共患风险,建议加强对细粒棘球蚴分子流行病学调查相关研究,并提高从业人员对该病的重视程度.

In order to investigate the prevalence of sheep echinococcosis in Yanggu County,Shandong Province,1 332 viscera of slaughtered sheep collected from 4 townships in the county from March to June 2023 were clinically examined,920 serum samples from sheep farms were tested for IgG antibodies using ELISA,and the mitochondrial cox1 genes of 5 Echinococcus-positive samples were amplified,sequenced and analyzed.The results showed that Echinococcus was detected in the livers or lungs of 18 sheep,with an average positive rate of 1.35%(18/1 322);17 serum samples were positive for IgG antibodies of Echinococcus,with an average positive rate of 1.85%(17/920),the infection rate was statistically different in different townships(P<0.05),and the antibody positive rate of sheep≥6 years old was obviously higher than that of those<6 years old(P<0.05);the infection rate on intensive farms was significantly higher than that on free-range farms(P<0.05),while the rate was unrelated to the species and sex;the 5 positive samples were the highest identical to G1 genotype of Echinococcus granulosus strain.In conclusion,sheep echinococcosis was available in Yanggu County,with the infection rate mostly affected by the feeding mode and age rather than the species and sex,and G1 genotype was dominant,posing a risk of zoonotic infection.It was proposed to improve researches related to molecular epidemiologic investigation on Echinococcus and operators'awareness about the disease.


阳谷县畜牧兽医事业发展中心,山东阳谷 252300阳谷县畜牧兽医事业发展中心,山东阳谷 252300阳谷县畜牧兽医事业发展中心,山东阳谷 252300阳谷县畜牧兽医事业发展中心,山东阳谷 252300阳谷县畜牧兽医事业发展中心,山东阳谷 252300



echinococcosisinfection statusgenotype identificationinvestigation and analysis

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (6)



