

Isolation and identification of porcine circovirus subtype 2d from guizhou strain and mouse infection test


为了鉴定贵州省某猪场疑似患猪皮炎肾病综合征(PDNS)的猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2),将经qPCR检测为PCV2阳性的病猪血清,无菌处理后接种PK-15细胞进行PCV2分离,采用间接免疫荧光(IFA)、PCR及全基因组克隆测序进行鉴定,用相关生物学软件对该PCV2进行遗传进化分析并了解其在PK-15细胞上的增殖情况及TCID50,用分离的毒株人工感染BALB/c小鼠,研究其感染性.结果显示,接种F9代病毒的PK-15细胞出现特异性绿色荧光;病毒液的PCR检测结果为PCV2阳性;全基因组克隆测序结果显示,该PCV2全长为1 767 bp,将其命名为PCV-2 GZGD2022;分离毒株与PCV2d参考株在进化树中处于同一分支;F9代与F1代病毒全基因组序列核苷酸相似性达99.7%,与参考毒株相似性在94.1%~98.7%之间;F9代较F1代病毒基因组出现6处核苷酸突变(G155A、G669A、T1474C、T1500C、A1518G、C1572T),在Cap蛋白中有3处突变(F77L、L227P、Y233C),在Rep蛋白中有1处突变(Y195H);该PCV2d可在PK-15细胞中稳定增值;分离株的TCID50为10-4.75/0.1 mL;该分离毒株对小鼠肺、淋巴结有较强的侵袭力.本试验从PK-15细胞中成功分离得到1株稳定增殖的PCV2d毒株,研究结果为PCV2后续病原学研究奠定一定基础,为PCV2疫苗株筛选提供了材料.

In order to identify porcine circovirus type 2(PCV2)suspected to be suffering from porcine dermatitis nephrotic syndrome(PDNS)in a pig farm in Guizhou province,The serum of diseased pig,which was tested positive for PCV2 by qPCR,was collected and inoculated onto PK-15 cells for PCV2 isolation.Indirect immunofluorescence(IFA),PCR and whole genome clone sequencing were used to identify PCV2 virus.Relevant information software was used to analyze genetic evolution of the PCV2 and analyze its prolife-ration on PK-15 cells and determine TCID50.BALB/c mice were artificially infected with isolated strains to study infection traits.Results showed that PK-15 cells inoculated with F9 virus had specific green fluorescence.PCR results of the virus was positive for PCV2.Whole-genome clone sequencing showed that the full length of the PCV2 was 1 767 bp,which was named PCV-2 GZGD2022.The isolated strains and PCV2d reference strains were in the same branch of the evolutionary tree.The nucleotide similarity between F9 and F1 viruses reached 99.7%,and 94.1%-98.7%with reference strains.Compared with the F1 genera-tion,F9 had 6 nucleotide mutations(G155A,G669A,T1 474C,T1 500C,A1 518G and C1 572T),3 mutations in Cap protein(F77L,L227P and Y233C),and 1 mutation in Rep protein(Y195H).PCV2d can proliferate in PK-15 cells and TCID50 can reach 10-4.75/0.1 mL.The isolated strain had strong invasion to the lung and lymph nodes of mice.In this study,one PCV2d strain with stable proliferation was successfully isolated by PK-15 cells,and the results laid a certain foundation for the subsequent etiology study of PCV2 and provided materials for the screening of PCV2 vaccine strains.


贵州大学动物科学学院,贵州贵阳 550025



porcine circovirus type 2porcine dermatitis nephrotic syndromeseparation identi-ficationmouse infection assay

《中国兽医科学》 2024 (006)

777-783 / 7


