

Design and experiment of seeding monitoring system of air-suction dibbler peanut for planter


为解决花生膜上精量播种单粒率低、播种质量不稳定的问题,设计了一种基于对射式红外光纤传感器的气吸式花生穴播器播种监测系统,采用STM32F407VGT6单片机与编码器,收集速度脉冲信号、播种时间间隔信息,实现对播种单粒率、漏播率、重播率等播种质量信息的实时监测.试验结果表明,当传感器安装距离为3.1 mm,安装角度为3.2°时,播种监测精度最优,此时单粒监测精度为95.98%,漏播监测精度为95.91%,重播监测精度为93.28%;台架试验结果表明,当穴播器作业速度在3~5 km/h范围内时,单粒监测精度大于95%,漏播监测精度大于91%,重播监测精度大于90%;田间试验结果表明,在3~5 km/h作业速度内,单粒监测精度大于93%,漏播监测精度大于90%,重播监测精度大于88%.该气吸式花生穴播器播种监测系统能够满足花生播种过程播种质量实时监测的需求,为实际播种作业提供数据参考,保证播种全过程较高的播种质量.

To address the issue of low seeding rate and unstable sowing quality on the peanut film during preci-sion seeding,a planting monitoring system of air-suction peanut burrow planter was designed based on infrared opti-cal fiber sensor.STM32F407VGT6 single chip microcomputer and encoder were used to collect speed pulse signals and seeding time interval information.Real-time monitoring of seeding quality information such as single seed seed-ing rate,missing seeding rate and reseeding rate was realized.Results showed that when the sensor installation dis-tance was 3.1 mm with installation angle of 3.2°,the monitoring accuracy of seeding was the best,which had a sin-gle seed monitoring accuracy of 95.98%,missed seeds monitoring accuracy of 95.91%,and a single seed replay monitoring accuracy of 93.28%.Bench test results showed that when the operation speed of burrow planter was 3-5 km/h,the monitoring accuracy of single seed could be>95%,with monitoring accuracy of miss seeding>91%,monitoring accuracy of replayed>90%.Field experiments results showed that the accuracy of single seed monitor-ing could be>93%,missed sowing monitoring>90%,replay monitoring>88%,when the operating speed was 3-5 km/h.In summary,this air-suction peanut dibbler seeding monitoring system might meet the needs of real-time monitoring of seeding quality in peanut seeding process,provide data reference for actual seeding operations,and ensure higher seeding quality in the whole sowing process.


山东省农业机械科学研究院,山东 济南,250100||农业农村部黄淮海现代农业装备重点实验室,山东 济南,250100山东省农业机械科学研究院,山东 济南,250100||农业农村部黄淮海现代农业装备重点实验室,山东 济南,250100山东省农业农村厅,山东 济南,250013山东省农业机械科学研究院,山东 济南,250100||农业农村部黄淮海现代农业装备重点实验室,山东 济南,250100山东省农业机械科学研究院,山东 济南,250100||农业农村部黄淮海现代农业装备重点实验室,山东 济南,250100山东省农业科学院,山东 济南,250100山东省农业机械科学研究院,山东 济南,250100||农业农村部黄淮海现代农业装备重点实验室,山东 济南,250100



real-time monitoringpeanutsuction typeinfrared optical fiber sensor

《中国油料作物学报》 2024 (3)



