The Effects of Potato Root Exudates on the Hatching and Chemotaxis of Globodera rostochiensis and Verification of Exogenous Acid Substances
[目的]探究马铃薯不同抗性品种、不同生育期根系分泌物对马铃薯金线虫(Globodera rostochiensis)孵化和趋化的影响,为马铃薯金线虫绿色防控提供理论依据.[方法]收集4个马铃薯品种3个生育期的根系分泌物,采用浸泡法和滤纸片法研究根系分泌物对马铃薯金线虫孵化和趋化的影响;通过GC-MS分析各根系分泌物的组分;选用8种外源酸类物质咖啡酸、丁二酸、氢化肉桂酸、3-羟基丙酸、3-氨基-3-甲基丁酸、乙醇酸、硬脂酸、L-乳酸的标准品,运用浸泡法和滤纸片法验证根系分泌物中占比较大的主要酸类物质对马铃薯金线虫孵化和趋化的影响.[结果]感病品种青薯9号、会-2的根系分泌物比抗病品种宣薯6号、云薯505的根系分泌物刺激孵化快且孵化量大,在3个生育期(15 d(发芽期)、30 d(幼苗期)和55 d(块茎形成期)),感病品种根系分泌物的刺激孵化效果强于抗病品种,各品种30 d(幼苗期)的根系分泌物刺激孵化效果好于15 d(发芽期)、55 d(块茎形成期),青薯9号根系分泌物的刺激孵化率15、30、55 d依次为7.20%、27.30%、5.70%,会-2 依次为 10.50%、38.00%、9.40%,宣薯 6 号依次为 5.40%、20.40%、16.30%,云薯 505 依次为 13.20%、21.80%、3.10%.感病品种青薯9号的根系分泌物对马铃薯金线虫幼虫的吸引能力强;从3个生育期看,除了宣薯6号,其余3个品种15 d根系分泌物的吸引效果好于30、55 d,15、30、55 d的根系分泌物吸引率青薯9号依次为13.73%、9.68%、6.13%,会-2 依次为 5.65%、4.76%、4.89%,云薯 505 依次为 4.86%、4.13%、2.91%,宣薯 6 号依次为 4.11%、5.77%、6.47%.用 GC-MS对根系分泌物进行分析鉴定,马铃薯根系分泌物中主要含有9类物质,其中酸类24种、氨基酸类13种、盐类5种、醇类3种、烃类3种、糖类3种、酚类2种、酮类1种、脂类1种,从种类和所占比例可知酸类、氨基酸类、酚类和醇类是供试马铃薯根系分泌物中的主要成分.选择8种代表性酸类物质验证表明,8种物质中丁二酸、3-羟基丙酸对马铃薯金线虫的孵化有显著影响,咖啡酸、氢化肉桂酸对马铃薯金线虫的趋化有显著影响.但与4个品种30 d根系分泌物对马铃薯金线虫的影响对比,上述影响显著的酸类物质刺激孵化效果显著低于根系分泌物,趋化则无显著差异.[结论]不同马铃薯品种的根系分泌物均对马铃薯金线虫孵化和趋化有较大影响,感病品种根系分泌物对马铃薯金线虫孵化、趋化的影响强于抗病品种,总体表现为抗病、感病品种对马铃薯金线虫的影响在根系出现时即播种15 d(发芽期)开始,在30 d(幼苗期)影响最强,到55 d(块茎形成期)影响减弱.马铃薯的根系分泌物种类多样,主要组分为酸类、氨基酸类和醇类,抗病、感病品种略有差异.丁二酸、3-羟基丙酸对孵化的影响显著,咖啡酸、氢化肉桂酸对趋化的影响显著,单一酸性物质对马铃薯金线虫孵化的影响显著小于根系分泌物.
[Objective]The objective of this study is explore the effects of root exudates from different resistant potato varieties and different growth stages on the hatching and chemotaxis of Globodera rostochiensis,so as to provide a theoretical basis for the green prevention and control of G rostochiensis.[Method]The root exudates of four potato varieties at three growth stages were collected.The effects of root exudates on the hatching and chemotaxis of G rostochiensis were studied by the soaking method and filter paper method.The components of root exudate were analyzed by GC-MS.Eight standard exogenous acids,caffeic acid,succinic acid,3-phenylpropionic acid,3-hydroxypropionic acid,3-amino-3-methyl-butyric acid,glycolic acid,stearic acid,and L-lactic acid,were selected,and the effects of the main acids of root exudates on the hatching and chemotaxis of G.rostochiensis were verified by the soaking method and filter paper method.[Result]The efficiency of stimulating hatching of G rostochiensis by root exudates of susceptible varieties Qingshu 9 and Huize 2 was higher than that of resistant varieties Xuanshu 6 and Yunshu 505.At three growth stages(15 d(germination stage),30 d(seedling stage),55 d(tuber formation stage)),the effect of susceptible varieties on hatching stimulation was stronger than that of resistant varieties,and the effect of stimulating hatching of each variety root exudate at 30 d(seedling stage)was better than that at 15 d(germination stage)and 55 d(tuber formation stage).The stimulating hatchability of root exudates from Qingshu 9 was 7.20%,27.30%,and 5.70%at 15,30 and 55 d,respectively;that of Huize 2 was 10.50%,38.00%,and 9.40%,Xuanshu 6 was 5.40%,20.40%,and 16.30%,Yunshu 505 was 13.20%,21.80%,and 3.10%at 15,30 and 55 d,respectively.Among the root exudates of four potato varieties,Qingshu 9 was more attractive to G.rostochiensis.At three growth stages,except for Xuanshu 6,the root exudates of the other three varieties at 15 d had a better attraction effect than at 30 and 55 d.The attraction rate of root exudates of Qingshu 9 at 15,30 and 55 d was 13.73%,9.68%,and 6.13%,respectively,that of Huize 2 was 5.65%,4.76%,and 4.89%,Yunshu 505 was 4.86%,4.13%,and 2.91%,Xuanshu 6 was 4.11%,5.77%,and 6.47%at 15,30 and 55 d,respectively.According to GC-MS analysis and identification,potato root exudates mainly contain 9 kinds of substances,including 24 acids,13 amino acids,5 salts,3 alcohols,3 hydrocarbons,3 carbohydrates,2 phenols,1 ketone,and 1 lipid.From the species and proportion,acids,amino acids,phenols and alcohols are the main components of potato root exudates.The experiment of 8 kinds of exogenous acid substances showed that succinic acid and 3-hydroxypropionic acid had a significant effect on the hatching stimulation of G rostochiensis.Caffeic acid and 3-phenylpropionic acid had a significant effect on the chemotaxis of G.rostochiensis.However,compared with the effects of root exudates from four varieties at 30 d on G rostochiensis,it was found that the hatching stimulation effects of above acids with significant effects were significantly lower than those of root exudates,and there was no significant difference in chemotaxis.[Conclusion]The root exudates from different potato varieties and different growth stages all have effects on the hatching and chemotaxis of G rostochiensis.The effects of hatching and chemotaxis of G rostochiensis by root exudates from susceptible varieties were higher than those of resistant varieties.The effects of susceptible and resistant varieties on G rostochiensis began at 15 d(germination stage)when the root system appeared,were strongest at 30 d(seedling stage),and weakened at 55 d(tuber formation stage).The potato root exudates are diverse,the main components are acids,amino acids,and alcohols,and the resistance and susceptible varieties are slightly different.Succinic acid and 3-hydroxypropionic acid had a significant effect on hatching,caffeic acid and 3-phenylpropionic acid had a significant effect on chemotaxis.Single acid had significantly less effect on hatching of G rostochiensis than root exudates.
云南农业大学植物保护学院/省部共建云南生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室,昆明 650201云南农业大学植物保护学院/省部共建云南生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室,昆明 650201云南省大关县植保植检站,云南大关 657400云南省昭通市植保植检站,云南昭阳 657000云南省昭通市植保植检站,云南昭阳 657000云南农业大学植物保护学院/省部共建云南生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室,昆明 650201云南农业大学植物保护学院/省部共建云南生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室,昆明 650201云南农业大学茶学院,昆明 650201云南农业大学植物保护学院/省部共建云南生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室,昆明 650201
potato(Solanum tuberosum)root exudateGlobodera rostochiensishatchingchemotaxiscomponent
《中国农业科学》 2024 (11)