Effects of Long-Term Fertilization and Deep Plough on Crop Potassium Utilization and Soil Potassium Forms in Maize-Sorghum Rotation System
[目的]研究长期施用化肥钾、秸秆还田、有机肥配施化肥钾结合秸秆还田及其深翻对玉米高粱轮作体系作物钾利用效率、土壤钾形态及非交换性钾释放的影响,为合理使用钾肥和提高钾养分资源高效利用提供理论依据.[方法]于2011-2022年在山西省晋中市进行长期定位试验,共设6个处理:不施肥(CK)、氮磷肥(NP)、氮磷钾肥(NPK)、秸秆还田结合有机肥(MS)、氮磷钾肥配施有机肥结合秸秆还田(NPKMS)、氮磷钾肥配施有机肥结合秸秆还田和深翻(NPKMSD),研究不同施肥处理对作物籽粒产量、地上部钾吸收量、钾利用效率、土壤钾形态和土壤非交换性钾释放特征的影响.[结果]与NP和NPK比较,MS、NPKMS和NPKMSD提高籽粒产量6%-8%,地上部钾吸收量提高22%-43%.NPKMS和NPKMSD处理钾素农学利用效率仅为NPK和MS的50%;施肥改变了土壤剖面钾形态,2022年收获后与CK、NP和NPK处理相比,MS、NPKMS和NPKMSD处理0-20 cm 土层速效钾含量分别提高了 2.2-2.8倍,缓效钾提高了 8%-10%;与NPKMS比较,NPKMSD提高了 20-40 cm 土层速效钾含量.基于随机森林回归模型分析表明,0-20和20-40 cm 土层的速效钾与缓效钾含量能解释地上部钾吸收量的64.1%,0-20 cm土层速效钾、缓效钾含量和20-40 cm 土层的速效钾含量是影响植株钾吸收的关键因子.用氯化钙浸提时NPK、MS、NPKMS和NPKMSD处理0-20 cm 土层非交换性钾累积释放量分别是NP的1.04、1.77、1.99和1.81倍,柠檬酸浸提时则分别为1.05、1.41、1.85和1.63倍.与NPKMS处理比较,NPKMSD处理20-40 cm 土层柠檬酸浸提的非交换性钾累积释放量提高17.8%,而氯化钙浸提对其非交换性钾累积释放量没有显著影响.[结论]与施用相当量的化肥钾比较,秸秆还田和有机肥能明显活化土壤钾,提高土壤有效钾和缓效钾的含量,提高钾肥利用效率.化肥钾配施有机肥结合秸秆还田会造成作物钾奢侈吸收降低钾利用效率.深翻提高根层下土层速效钾含量但对产量影响不显著.秸秆还田和有机肥明显促进土壤非交换性钾的释放速率和累积释放量,长期秸秆还田结合适量有机肥能够替代化学钾肥.
[Objective]The effects of long-term different fertilizations and deep plough on grain yield,potassium utilization,potassium forms in soil profile and non-exchange potassium release in maize-sorghum rotation system was evaluated to provide the theoretical basis for potassium nutrient management.[Method]The experiment was conducted in Jinzhong city of Shanxi Province from 2011 to 2022.There were 6 treatments:no fertilizer(CK),NP,NPK,straw return and manure(MS),NPK with MS(NPKMS)and NPKMS with deep plough for 30 cm(NPKMSD).The influences of different treatments on grain yield,potassium uptake,potassium apparent utilization efficiency(KUE),potassium agronomy utilization efficiency(KAUE)and kinetics of non-exchange release were investigated.[Result]Compared with NP and NPK treatments,the accumulative grain yield was increased 6%-8%under MS,NPKMS and NPKMSD,whereas potassium uptake was promoted 22%-43%.Moreover,the values of PAUE produced by NPKMS and NPKMSD were only half under NPK and MS treatments.The available K content of 0-20 cm soil layer under MS,NPKMS and NPKMSD treatments were 2.2 to 2.8 times higher than those under CK,NP and NPK treatments.Meanwhile,the slow available K was increased 8%-10%.The deep plough enhanced available K content of 20-40 cm soil layer.The K uptake aboveground was more related to available K content of both 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm soil layer and slow available K content of 20-40 cm soil layer.When the soil non-exchangeable K was extracted by CaCl2,the accumulative amount of K released under NPK,MS,NPKMS,and NPKMSD were 1.04,1.77,1.99,and 1.81 times than that under NP treatment,respectively,while these values were 1.05,1.41,1.85,and 1.63 times under NP treatment when soil non-exchangeable K was extracted by citric acid.[Conclusion]Taken together,straw return and manure could activate soil potassium.Thus soil available K content,slow available K content,KUE and KAUE were improved relative to NPK treatments when total potassium input was comparative for 12-years.NPK with MS treatments could induce potassium luxury absorption and resulted in low values of KUE and KAUE.Deep plough could increase subsoil available K content,but its impact on accumulative grain yield was not noticed.Straw return and manure increased cumulative non-exchangeable potassium release amount and release rates.Therefore long-term combination of straw return and appropriate amount manure could substitute chemical potassium fertilizer.
山西农业大学资源环境学院/农业农村部有机旱作农业重点实验室,太原 030031山西农业大学资源环境学院/农业农村部有机旱作农业重点实验室,太原 030031山西农业大学资源环境学院/农业农村部有机旱作农业重点实验室,太原 030031山西农业大学资源环境学院/农业农村部有机旱作农业重点实验室,太原 030031山西农业大学资源环境学院/农业农村部有机旱作农业重点实验室,太原 030031山西农业大学资源环境学院/农业农村部有机旱作农业重点实验室,太原 030031山西农业大学资源环境学院/农业农村部有机旱作农业重点实验室,太原 030031山西农业大学资源环境学院/农业农村部有机旱作农业重点实验室,太原 030031
long-term fertilizationdeep ploughpotassium balance of soilpotassium formssoil non-exchangeable potassiumreleasemaize-sorghum rotationstraw returnmanure
《中国农业科学》 2024 (12)