

Influence Analysis of Temperature on Transient Electric Field of Converter Transformer


基于传统变压器的绝缘设计并未考虑油纸绝缘的非线性特性,采用有限元法将电磁场、温度场等多物理场进行耦合仿真计算,重点研究油纸复合绝缘的电导率随温度非线性变化时,换流变压器阀侧绕组端部暂态电场分布的规律和特征,以及油、纸板电导率比值对阀侧电场的影响.结果表明:考虑温度 电导率非线性特性时,换流变压器阀侧端部的电场分布更加集中,畸变现象更明显,且随着电导率比值的增大,阀侧绕组端部的等位线分布越来越密集,高场强值集中在阀侧绕组端部绝缘纸板之间的油隙中.所提研究为变压器绝缘设计提供技术支持.

The nonlinear characteristics of oil-paper insulation are not considered in the traditional transformer insulation design.The finite element method is used to couple electromagnetic field,temperature field and other multi-physical fields for the simulation calculation,focusing on the study of the conductivity of oil-paper composite insulation with the temperature nonlinear changes in the transient electric field distribution of the converter transformer valve-side winding end of the law and features.The effect of oil and insulating pressboard conductivity ratio on the valve-side electric field is studied.The results show that when considering the temperature-conductivity nonlinear characteristics,the electric field distribution at the valve-side terminal of the converter transformer is more concentrated,the distortion phenomenon is significant.And with the increase of the conductivity ratio,the electric field distribution on the valve side terminal is becoming increasingly concentrated.The high field strength values are distributed in the oil gap of the insulating pressboard at the terminal of the valve-side winding.The proposed research provides the reference for transformer insulation design.


沈阳工业大学,辽宁 沈阳 110870国家电网沈阳供电公司,辽宁 沈阳 110023



converter transformerpolarity reversalnonlinear characteristicstransient electric fieldoil-paper insulationtemperature effect

《电器与能效管理技术》 2024 (006)

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