

Effect of Nitrogen and Zinc Application on Accumulation and Distribution of Mineral Elements in Plant of Maize Varieties with Different Zinc Efficiency


以锌高效玉米品种郑单958和锌不敏感品种隆平638为试验材料,设置90 kg/hm2(LN)、180 kg/hm2(MN)、225 kg/hm2(HN)3个施氮量和不喷施锌肥(F0)、拔节期和大口期1∶1喷锌4.5 kg/hm2(F1)2个喷锌处理,分析氮锌配施对不同锌效率玉米品种植株矿质元素含量、累积量、分配和籽粒产量的影响,为玉米生产上氮锌合理配施提供依据.结果表明,玉米籽粒中铜、锌含量以MN处理最高,分别为1.82、16.23 mg/kg.F1处理能够提高籽粒中氮、锌含量和锌有效性.植株中氮、磷、钾累积量以MNF1处理隆平638最高,籽粒中铜和锌、锰和铁累积量分别以LNF1、HNF1处理郑单958最高.籽粒中氮、磷、铜的占比以隆平638 HNF1处理最高,籽粒中锌占比以郑单958 HNF0和LNF0处理较高.HN处理籽粒产量最高,平均为10.31 t/hm2,其次是MN处理,LN处理最低.2个品种籽粒磷含量与锰含量均呈极显著正相关,隆平638籽粒钾含量与铁、锌含量均呈显著正相关,与铜含量呈显著负相关.总体来看,施氮量180 kg/hm2配合拔节期和大口期1∶1叶面喷施锌肥能够提高玉米籽粒中锌生物有效性和矿质元素累积量,促进玉米籽粒产量和矿质元素营养同步提高,可在大田中进行推广应用.

With Zhengdan 958(ZD958)with high zinc(Zn)efficiency and Longping 638(LP638)with Zn insensitivity as materials,the field plot experiment was conducted with three nitrogen(N)rates[90 kg/ha(LN),180 kg/ha(MN)and 225 kg/ha(HN)]and two foliar Zn treatments[no Zn(F0),spraying Zn of 1∶1 at jointing stage and flare opening stage(F1)]to analyze the effects of N and Zn application on content,accumulation and distribution of mineral elements in plant and grain yield of maize,so as to provide reference for N and Zn application in the maize production.The results showed that the highest copper(Cu)and Zn content in grain was found under MN treatment,with 1.82 mg/kg and 16.23 mg/kg,respectively.F1 treatment could increase the contents of N and Zn and Zn availability.The accumulation of N,phosphorus(P)and potassium(K)in plant was the highest in LP638 under MNF1 treatment;The highest accumulation of Cu and Zn was found in ZD958 under LNF1 treatment,while the highest accumulation of manganese(Mn)and iron(Fe)under HNF1 treatment.The highest proportion of N,P and Cu in grain was obtained in LP638 under HNF1 treatment;The higher proportion of Zn was found in ZD958 under HNF0 and LNF0 treatments.HN treatment had the highest grain yield with an average of 10.31 t/ha,followed by MN treatment,and LN treatment was the lowest.There was significantly positive correlation between P content and Mn content in grain of two varieties;K content was significantly positively correlated with Fe content and Zn content,but significantly negatively correlated with Cu content in LP638.To sum up,180 kg/ha N and spraying Zn of 1∶1 at jointing stage and flare opening stage can increase Zn availability and accumulation of mineral elements in maize grain,promote the synchronous improvement of yield and mineral nutrition,and can be promoted in maize field production.


河南省农业科学院 粮食作物研究所,河南 郑州 450002中牟县农业技术推广中心,河南 中牟 451450



Maize varietiesNitrogen and zinc applicationZn efficiencyMineral elementsAccumulation and distributionAvailability

《河南农业科学》 2024 (006)

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