

Effects of PGPR on Arsenic Accumulation and Physiological Characteristics of Aquatic Plants under Arsenic Stress


为探究水生植物芦苇、灯芯草与根围促生细菌(PGPR)组合对重金属污染水体中砷(As)的富集作用以及生理响应,模拟水体As质量浓度(0、5、15、30 mg/L)并添加PGPR菌株荧光假单胞菌(Pseudomonas fluorescens,Pf)、贝莱斯芽孢杆菌(Bacillus velezensis,Bv)以及不添加菌株(对照,CK)共设计24个处理.结果表明,低质量浓度As对芦苇、灯芯草生长具有促进作用,而高浓度下产生抑制.添加PGPR能够增加芦苇和灯芯草株高和生物量,提高叶绿素含量以及叶绿素荧光参数,改善芦苇和灯芯草的根系构型并提高根系活力,增加植物地上部和根系的氮吸收量,增强根系对As的富集能力.5 mg/L As质量浓度下,与CK相比,添加Pf处理芦苇株高、生物量、根系氮吸收量和地上部氮吸收量分别增加54.6%、38.5%、11.5%、48.4%,叶绿素总含量增加23.4%,PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)和PSⅡ潜在活性(Fv/Fo)分别提高6.7%、20.6%,根系总长度、根系总投影面积、根系总体积和根分叉数分别增加4.8%、19.3%、27.4%、14.8%;添加Bv处理芦苇株高、生物量、根系氮吸收量、叶绿素总含量、叶绿素荧光参数以及根系构型参数也有不同程度的提高.5 mg/L As质量浓度下,与CK相比,添加Pf和Bv处理灯芯草株高、生物量、叶绿素含量、叶绿素荧光参数以及根系构型等也有所提高.在30 mg/L As质量浓度下,Pf处理芦苇地上部和根部As含量达到最大值,分别为126.1、432.1 mg/kg.综上,芦苇+Pf对As的吸收和富集效果最好,可应用于重金属As污染水体的生态修复.

To investigate the enrichment and physiological response of arsenic(As)in heavy metal polluted water by a combination of aquatic plants such as Phragmites australis,Juncus effusus,and root growth-promoting bacteria(PGPR),a total of 24 treatments were simulated with water arsenic concentrations(0,5,15,30 mg/L)and PGPR strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens(Pf),Bacillus velezensis(Bv),and no strain(control,CK)added.The results showed that low concentrations of arsenic had a promoting effect on the growth of P.australis and J.effusus,while high concentrations inhibited it.Adding PGPR could increase the height and biomass of P.australis and J.effusus,increased chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters,improved the root configuration and vitality of P.australis and J.effusus,increased nitrogen absorption by plant aboveground and root systems,and enhanced the ability of root systems to accumulate arsenic.At the arsenic concentration of 5 mg/L,compared with CK,the height,biomass,root nitrogen uptake,and aboveground nitrogen uptake of P.australis treated with Pf increased by 54.6%,38.5%,11.5%,and 48.4%,respectively.The total chlorophyll content increased by 23.4%,and the maximum photochemical efficiency(Fv/Fm)and potential activity(Fv/Fo)of PSⅡincreased by 6.7%and 20.6%,respectively.The total length,total projected area,total volume,and root tips number of roots increased by 4.8%,19.3%,27.4%and 14.8%respectively.The height,biomass,root nitrogen uptake,total chlorophyll content,chlorophyll fluorescence parameters,and root configuration parameters of P.australis treated with Bv also showed varying degrees of improvement.At the arsenic concentration of 5 mg/L,compared with CK,the height,biomass,chlorophyll content,chlorophyll fluorescence parameters,and root system configuration of J.effusus treated with Pf and Bv addition were also improved.At the arsenic concentration of 30 mg/L,the arsenic content in the aboveground and root parts of P.australis treated with Pf reached its maximum value,up to 126.1 and 432.1 mg/kg,respectively.The conclusion is that P.australis+Pf has the best absorption and enrichment effect on arsenic,and could be applied to the ecological restoration of heavy metal arsenic polluted water bodies.


太原学院 建筑与环境工程系,山西 太原 030032太原学院 建筑与环境工程系,山西 太原 030032太原学院 建筑与环境工程系,山西 太原 030032



Phragmites australisJuncus effususPlant growth-promoting rhizobacteriaArsenicWater pollutionChlorophyllRoot configuration

《河南农业科学》 2024 (6)



