

Study on the Variation of Floral Organ,Pollen and SSR Genetic Diversity of Different Strawberry Cultivars



The morphological differences in floral organs and pollen among strawberry varieties are of significant importance for the classification of strawberry varieties.To study the floral organ,pollen,and their relationship with the classification of ten major strawberry varieties cultivated in the southern region,their floral characteristics and scanning electron microscopy of pollen were conducted.Additionally,correlation and principal component analysis were performed on 13 flower and pollen traits,along with the genetic diversity analysis using SSR markers among varieties.The characteristics of floral organs showed that Sweet Charlie exhibited significantly higher values in petal length,petal width and calyx width than other nine varieties,followed by Ningyu and Miaoxiang 7,while Benihoppe,Hongyu and Yuexin displayed significantly lower values for the petal length,petal width and corolla diameter than other varieties.In terms of pollen characteristics such as polar axis length,pollen size,pollen shape and aperture length,Benihoppe,Baixuegongzhu,Miaoxiang 7 and Ningyu were higher than other varieties.The results of principal component analysis showed that the cumulative contribution rate of the four principal components was 85.96%,and three floral organ size characteristics-petal length,petal width and calyx width-had a higher loading value in the first principal component.The results of SSR analysis showed that the similarity coefficient of 10 strawberry cultivars ranged from 0.47 to 0.85.At the similarity coefficient of 0.65,the 10 strawberry cultivars were divided into two categories.Benihoppe,Akihime,Hongyu,Fenyu1,Yuexin and Baixuegongzhu were clustered into one category,while Sweet Charlie,Yuexiu,Miaoxiang 7 and Ningyu were clustered into another category.The combination of strawberry floral organ characteristics,pollen characteristics,principal component analysis,SSR marker clustering results and pedigree information suggested that petal length,petal width and calyx width of floral characteristics can be used for variety classification,which is of significance for guiding the selection of breeding parents,while the morphological difference in pollen characteristics among strawberry varieties was less apparent.


杭州市农业科学研究院,浙江 杭州 310024杭州市农业科学研究院,浙江 杭州 310024浙江省农业科学院园艺研究所,浙江 杭州 310021杭州市农业科学研究院,浙江 杭州 310024


strawberryfloral organpollenSSR markerprincipal component analysis

《核农学报》 2024 (8)



