

Research of Physicochemical Environment and Water Quality in Miaodao Archipelago


文章于 2018 年 8 月和 10 月,2019 年 3 月和 6 月对庙岛群岛海域展开 4 个航次的表层海水水质调查,布设 100 个监测站位,分析了水温、pH、溶解氧、化学需氧量、溶解无机氮、活性磷酸盐、总氮、总磷、石油类等理化参数的平面分布,并对该海域的营养状况和有机污染状况进行评价.调查结果显示,水温均值为(16.8±5.69)℃,pH 均值为 8.13±0.074,溶解氧浓度均值为(8.62±1.46)mg/L,化学需氧量浓度均值为(0.85±0.29)mg/L,溶解无机氮浓度均值为(0.070 6±0.054 5)mg/L,活性磷酸盐浓度均值为(0.070 6±0.054 5)mg/L,总氮浓度均值为(0.255±0.148)mg/L,总磷浓度均值为(0.013 3±0.006 39)mg/L,石油类浓度均值为(0.013 5±0.007 55)mg/L.庙岛群岛海域的理化参数基本符合第二类海水水质标准.海域监测站位水质富营养化指数基本小于 1,营养状况为贫营养.有机污染评价指数法评价结果显示,该海域 4 个月份中 96%监测站位的等级为较好.

This study conducted four voyages of the surface of the waters of the Miaodao Archi-pelago in August 2018,October 2018,March 2019 and June 2019.In the seawater quality sur-vey,100 stations were set up to analyze the distribution of physicochemical parameters such as water temperature,p H,dissolved oxygen,chemical oxygen demand,dissolved inorganic nitro-gen,PO4-P,total nitrogen,total phosphorus,petroleum hydrocarbons.The nutritional status and organic pollution status of the sea area were evaluated.The results showed that the mean value of water temperature was(16.8±5.69)℃,the average p H was 8.13±0.074,the average DO concentration was(8.62±1.46)mg/L,the average COD concentration was(0.85±0.29)mg/L,the average DIN concentration was(0.0706±0.0545)mg/L,the average PO4-P concen-tration was(0.0706±0.0545)mg/L,the average TN concentration was(0.255±0.148)mg/L,and the average TP concentration was(0.0133±0.00639)mg/L,the average concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons was(0.0135±0.00755)mg/L.The physical and chemical parameters of the waters of the Miaodao Archipelago basically meet the Class II seawater quality standards.The water quality eutrophication index of the monitoring station in the sea area is basically<1,and the nutritional status of the sea area is basically poor nutrition.The water quality of the sea area was evaluated by the organic pollution evaluation index method,and the water quality level of 96% of the monitoring stations in the four months was good.


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Miaodao archipelagoPhysicochemical parameterNutrition statusOrganic pollution

《海洋开发与管理》 2024 (3)


