Correlation analysis of keratoconus and eye rubbing
目的 调查圆锥角膜(KC)患者的揉眼习惯,分析揉眼与KC之间的相关性以及不同严重程度KC的相关性.方法 回顾性病例对照研究.研究收集2021年1月至2022年6月在山东第一医科大学附属眼科医院诊治的KC患者资料,对所有KC患者进行二次随访并详细询问揉眼及相关习惯;以同期近视患者作为对照,比较KC和对照揉眼情况的差异;按照病情严重程度对KC进行分期,比较不同分期的KC患者揉眼情况.结果 收集了202名KC患者,201名近视患者的资料.二次随访后调查的KC患者揉眼比例为61.4%,近视患者揉眼比例25.9%,二者具有统计学意义(P<0.05).采用多因素二元Logistic回归分析,对KC组与对照组的揉眼情况进行分析,结果示以下变量存在显著差异:揉眼频次>10次/d(OR=264.406,95%CI:10.934-6393.832,P<0.05);揉眼时长<10 s/次(OR=0.004,95%CI:0-0.004,P<0.05);俯卧位睡姿(OR=3.079;95%CI:1.05-9.027;P<0.05);Ⅳ期的KC患者揉眼比例明显高于其他三期患者(P<0.05).结论 揉眼是KC的危险因素,并与疾病的严重程度有相关性.
Objective To investigate the eye-rubbing habits of Chinese keratoconus(KC)patients,and analyze the correlation between eye rubbing and KC and the correlation between different severity of KC.Methods A retrospec-tive case-control study.This study was carried out from January 2021 to June 2022.All patients were followed up for a sec-ond time,and asked in detail about rubbing their eyes and related habits.A survey was conducted on myopia patients rub-bing their eyes to compare their habits with KC patients,and to compare the disease severity between KC patients who rubbed their eyes with those who did not.Results 202 patients with KC and 201 control patients.Patient responses to the questionnaire indicated that the average proportion of eye rubbers among the KC patients was 61.4%,and among myopia pa-tients it was 25.9%,a significant difference.After multivariate binary logistic regression between the KC group and con-trol group,the following variables showed significant results:eye-rubbing frequency>10×/day(odds ratio OR=264.406,P<0.05).Eye-rubbing times<10 s(OR=0.004,P<0.05).Supine sleep position(OR=0.364,P<0.05)and prone sleep po-sition(OR,12.427;P<0.05).The severity of KC was significantly greater in eye-rubbing than in non-eye-rubbing patients(P<0.05).Conclusions Eye rubbing is a risk factor for KC and correlated with the severity of the disease.
250021 济南,山东第一医科大学250014 山东中医药大学附属眼科医院250021 济南,山东第一医科大学250021 济南,山东第一医科大学250021 济南,山东第一医科大学250014 山东第一医科大学附属眼科医院 山东省眼科医院
KeratoconusEye rubbingRisk factors
《临床眼科杂志》 2024 (3)