

Experimental study on characteristic spectra and temperature properties of spark discharge plasma


以皮秒时间分辨条纹相机和光谱仪为核心,以高压脉冲电源所产生的火花等离子体为研究对象,搭建了一套瞬态光谱与扫描高温计系统.实验中,考虑了针尖间隙和两极电压这两个影响因素,通过采集针尖高压击穿空气所产生火花的瞬态光谱,在对数据进行处理和标定后,结合普朗克的黑体辐射理论,实现对放电等离子体瞬态光谱与温度的诊断.研究结果表明,在针尖间隙相同的情况下,随着电压的增大,放电等离子体的发射光谱随之增强,并在一定电压范围内达到饱和.放电所产生的瞬态温度整体呈现上升趋势,并且通常在1.02~1.16 μs之间达到峰值,在针尖电压为 10 kV时温度最高可达 16 617 K.而在相同电压的情况下,随着间隙的增大,放电等离子体的发射光谱呈现先增强后减弱的情况,同时,放电温度在整体趋势上逐渐降低.

It is significant for the design and production of detonators and other initiating explosive devices to study the variation law between high-pressure spark discharge characteristics and loading high pressure and spark gap.Taking the picosecond time-resolved streak camera and spectrometer as the core and the spark plasma generated by the high-voltage pulse power supply as the research object,a set of transient spectrum and scanning pyrometer systems was built.In the experiment,the two influencing factors of the tip gap and the two-pole voltage are considered.By collecting the transient spectrum of the spark generated by the high-voltage breakdown of the air at the tip,after processing and calibrating the data,combined with Plank's blackbody radiation theory,the diagnosis of the transient spectrum and temperature of the discharge plasma is realized.The results show that under the same tip gap,with the increase of voltage,the emission spectrum of discharge plasma increases and reaches saturation in a specific voltage range.The transient temperature generated by the discharge shows an overall upward trend and usually gets a peak between 1.02-1.16 μs.When the tip voltage is 10 kV,the temperature can reach up to 16 617 K.In the case of the same voltage,as the gap increases,the emission spectrum of the discharge plasma first increases and then decreases,and the discharge temperature gradually drops in the overall trend.


深圳技术大学工程物理学院,广东深圳 518118



plasma spectroscopystreak optical pyrometertransient temperaturespark dischargeblackbody radiation

《强激光与粒子束》 2024 (008)

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