

Provenance Diversity Analysis and Evaluation of Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua Based on Quality Traits and Mineral Element Content


为研究多花黄精种质资源品质性状与矿质元素的遗传多样性并筛选优质种质,本试验以收集自国内的 43 份多花黄精种质为材料,测定其 7 个品质性状与 15 种矿质元素含量并进行多样性分析、相关性分析、主成分分析、聚类分析及隶属函数法综合评价.结果表明,43 份种质多糖、总灰分、醇溶性浸出物、水分、部分重金属及有害元素含量均符合 2020 版«中华人民共和国药典》的标准;品质性状的变异系数在 10.4%~46.7%之间,遗传多样性指数在1.600~2.015 之间;矿质元素含量的变异系数在23.6%~92.7%之间,遗传多样性指数在 1.526~2.006 之间.相关性分析显示,品质性状间、矿质元素间、品质性状与矿质元素间共 76 对指标之间达到显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)相关水平,矿质元素之间相关关系复杂但整体协同作用较强,矿质元素对品质性状则抑制作用较强.主成分分析将 11 种矿质元素简化为 3 个主成分,累计方差贡献率为 66.71%,筛选出K、Zn、Fe、P作为评价多花黄精种质资源的特征元素.系统聚类分析在距离为 100 时将 43 份多花黄精种质资源分为 4 个类群,隶属函数法综合评价与聚类分析的结果基本一致,其中排名前十的优质种质为S33、S27、S29、S28、S31、S10、S17、S36、S32、S20.综上表明,多花黄精种质的品质性状与矿质元素含量变异明显,具有丰富的遗传多样性.本结论可为优质多花黄精种质选育提供理论参考和依据.

In order to study the genetic diversity of quality traits and mineral elements of Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua germplasm resources and screen high-quality germplasms,43 P.cyrtonema germplasm re-sources in China were collected,and the contents of 7 quality traits and 15 mineral elements were determined,and a comprehensive evaluation was conducted by diversity analysis,correlation analysis,principal component analysis,clustering analysis and membership function method.The results showed that the contents of polysac-charide,total ash,alcohol-soluble extract,water,and some heavy metals and harmful elements in the germ-plasm resources met the standards of China Pharmacopoeia(2020 edition).The variation coefficient of quality traits was 10.4%to 46.7%,and the genetic diversity index was 1.600 to 2.015.The variation coefficient of mineral elements was 23.6%to 92.7%,and the genetic diversity index was 1.526 to 2.006.Correlation analy-sis results showed that significant(P<0.05)or extremely significant(P<0.01)levels were reached in a total of 76 pairs of indicators.The correlation between mineral elements was complex but the overall synergistic effect was strong,and the inhibition effect of mineral elements on quality traits was stronger.Eleven mineral elements were simplified into three principal components by principal component analysis with the comulative contribution rate as 66.71%,and K,Zn,Fe and P were screened out as the characteristic elements for evalu-ating the germplasm resources of P.cyrtonema.The 43 germplasm resources were divided into four groups at the distance of 100 when analyzed by systematic clustering,and the result was basically consistent with that of comprehensive evaluation by membership function method,and the top ten high-quality provenances were S33,S27,S29,S28,S31,S10,S17,S36,S32,and S20,respectively.In conclusion,there were obviously variation in quality traits and mineral elements among the germplasm resources of P.cyrtonema,which showed rich genetic diversity.The results could provide a reference for breeding high quality P.cyrtonema.


贵州大学农学院/贵州省药用植物繁育与种植重点实验室,贵州 贵阳 550025



Polygonatum cyrtonema HuaGermplasm resourcesQuality traitsMineral elementsGe-netic diversityComprehensive evaluation

《山东农业科学》 2024 (006)

55-64 / 10


