Numerical Investigation on Unsteady Pressure Oscillation of Gas-Solid Two-Phase Turbulent Flow
与发动机振荡燃烧相关的气固两相流中的压力脉动现象长期以来备受关注.为了解发动机气固两相流动中的非定常压力脉动特性,以典型的后台阶气固两相流动为研究对象,使用发展的自适应湍流模拟(Self-adaptive turbulence eddy simulation,SATES)和离散相模型(Discrete phase model,DPM)相结合的方法,对两相流场进行了三维非定常高精度数值计算.以实验数据作为参考验证了计算方法的精度和可靠性.通过将两相流场的压力脉动信号与纯气相流场进行对比,发现加入颗粒后流场压力脉动主导频率略有变化,无量纲压力脉动幅值明显减小;进一步研究了固体颗粒直径和质量分数对脉动特性的影响规律,发现随着颗粒直径变大,流场振幅先减小后增大.颗粒直径为10 μm时,振幅最小;随着质量分数的增大,流场振幅呈现出下降趋势.研究表明气固两相流中颗粒的参数变化对振荡主频影响较小,对脉动振幅影响显著.
Relevant to thermoacoustic combustion instability in engines,the pressure oscillations in gas-solid two-phase turbulent flow have long been a topic of great concerns.To understand the pressure oscillation characteristics in gas-solid two-phase flow,three-dimensional unsteady numerical calculations are conducted for typical two-phase gas-solid backstep flow using the combined self-adaptive turbulence eddy simulation(SATES)and discrete phase model(DPM)method.The accuracy and reliability of the numerical method is firstly validated by comparisons with the experimental data.Then,the unsteady pressure signal of the two-phase gas-solid flow is compared with that of the pure gas phase flow,and it is found that with the addition of solid particles,the dominant frequency of pressure oscillation is slightly changed,and the oscillation amplitude significantly decreases.Finally,the effects of diameter and mass fraction of solid particles on the pressure oscillation are investigated.It is found that with increasing the solid particle diameter,the amplitude of pressure oscillation firstly decreases and then increases,and the amplitude exhibits the smallest with the diameter of 10 μm;with increasing the mass fraction of solid particle,the pressure oscillation amplitude shows a decreasing trend.The results demonstrate that the properties of solid particles in two-phase flow have a small impact on the dominant frequency of pressure oscillation,while a significant impact on the oscillation amplitude.
南京航空航天大学能源与动力学院,南京 210016,中国南京航空航天大学能源与动力学院,南京 210016,中国南京航空航天大学能源与动力学院,南京 210016,中国南京航空航天大学能源与动力学院,南京 210016,中国
pressure oscillationgas-solid two-phase backstep turbulent flowself-adaptive turbulence eddy simulation(SATES)discrete phase model(DPM)frequency-spectra characteristics
《南京航空航天大学学报(英文版)》 2024 (3)
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.52376114,92041001),the Natural Science Founda-tion of Jiangsu Province(No.BK20200069),and the National Science and Technology Major Projects(Nos.J2019-Ⅲ-0015-0059,2017-Ⅲ-0005-0029).