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m NUTRIC与NRS-2002评分对重症病人预后的评估价值比较OA北大核心CSTPCD

Comparison of application value of mNUTRIC and NRS-2002 in prognosis evaluation of critically ill patients


目的:采用改良危重症营养风险(mNUTRIC)评分和营养风险筛查(NRS-2002)评分评估急诊重症监护病房(EICU)病人的营养风险,并比较两种工具对EICU病人28 d死亡率的评估价值.方法:选取2023年2月—5月EICU由急诊入院的病人,从电子医疗记录文件中收集资料,并于病人入住EICU 24 h内采用NRS-2002和mNUTRIC评分进行营养评估.采用Cox回归分析探讨营养风险对病人28 d死亡率的影响;绘制受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线评价NRS-2002评分、mNUTRIC评分、急性生理与慢性健康状态评分系统Ⅱ(APACHE)Ⅱ评分和序贯器官衰竭(SOFA)评分对28 d死亡率的预测价值.结果:纳入152例病人,mNUTRIC 评分筛查出高营养风险(>5分)病人102例,占67.1%;NRS-2002评分筛查出高营养风险(≥5分)病人67例,占44.1%;两种评分筛查结果存在不一致性(κ=-0.230).Cox回归分析显示,mNUTRIC评分(HR=1.782)和SOFA评分(HR=1.186)是EICU危重症病人28 d死亡的危险因素.mNUTRIC评分预测病人28 d死亡率的受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线下面积为0.82[95%CI(0.73,0.90],最佳临界值为6分,预测价值优于NRS-2002评分、APACHE Ⅱ评分和SOFA评分.结论:mNUTRIC评分可作为EICU重症病人营养风险评估的有效工具,且与病人28 d死亡率相关,但应考虑病人急性阶段和恢复阶段的特征,动态评估营养风险.

Objective:To evaluate the nutritional risk of patients in emergency intensive care unit(EICU)using mNUTRIC score and NRS-2002,and to compare the value of the two tools in assessing 28-day mortality Methods:Patients admitted to the EICU from February to May 2023 were selected.Data were collected from electronic medical records,and nutritional assessment was performed using NRS-2002 and mNUTRIC score within 24 hours of admission.Cox regression analysis was used to explore the effect of nutritional risk on 28-day mortality.ROC curve was drawn to evaluate the predictive value of NRS-2002,mNUTRIC,APACHE Ⅱ and SOFA for 28-day mortality.Results:A total of 152 patients were enrolled in this study.According to mNUTRIC score,102 patients(67.1%)were at high nutritional risk(>5 points).NRS-2002 score screened 67 patients(44.1%)with high nutritional risk(≥5 points).The results showed that the results of the two scoring systems were inconsistent.Cox regression analysis showed that mNUTRIC(OR=1.782)and SOFA(OR=1.186)were risk factors for the death of critically ill patients in EICU.The AUC of mNUTRIC score for predicting 28-day mortality was 0.82[95%CI(0.73,0.90)],and the best critical value was 6.The predictive value of mNUTRIC score was better than NRS-2002,APACHE Ⅱ and SOFA.Conclusions:mNUTRIC score can be used as an effective tool for nutritional risk assessment in critically ill EICU patients and is associated with 28-day mortality.However,the characteristics of patients in the acute stage and recovery stage should be considered to dynamically assess nutritional risk.


南通大学附属医院,江苏 226000南通大学附属医院,江苏 226000南通大学附属医院,江苏 226000南通大学附属医院,江苏 226000南通大学附属医院,江苏 226000南通大学附属医院,江苏 226000


emergency intensive care unit,EICUmNUTRICNRS-2002nutritional riskmortalitythe influencing factorspredictive value

《护理研究》 2024 (13)



