

Analysis of the Monitoring Results of 7916 Cases of Foodborne Diseases in Jiyuan City from 2019 to 2023


目的 通过对济源市 2019 年至 2023 年各哨点医院监测报告病例分析,了解食源性疾病的流行病学特征.方法 收集济源市 2019 年至 2023 年食源性疾病监测数据进行流行病学分析.结果 2019 年至 2023 年济源市共监测食源性疾病病例 7 916 例,5 年间发病例数呈先升高后降低趋势;女性略多于男性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),病例年龄以 36~59 岁占比最高,不同年龄段食源性疾病发病比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);职业类型农民占比最高,其次为工人和学生,不同职业类别食源性疾病发病比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);发病时间有明显季节性且以夏秋季为主(P<0.05);可疑暴露食品以水果类及其制品所占比重最高,其次为混合食品,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同进食场所中,以家庭为主,不同进食场所食源性疾病患者分布比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);2019 年出现聚集性发病数最多,2021 年最少,且 5 年间对比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001).结论 2019 年至 2023 年济源市食源性疾病的发病呈先升高后降低趋势,患病人群以女性为主,职业类型以农民为主,季节以夏秋季为主,进食场所以家庭为主.须有针对性的加强食品安全知识的宣传教育工作,减少食源性疾病的发生.

Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of foodborne diseases by analyzing the cases reported by various sentinel hospitals in Jiyuan City from 2019 to 2023.Methods Epidemiological analysis was conducted on the monitoring data of foodborne diseases in Jiyuan City from 2019 to 2023.Results From 2019 to 2023,a total of 7,916 cases of foodborne diseases were monitored in Jiyuan City.The incidence rate showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing over the five years,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Females were slightly more than males,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The age group with the highest proportion of cases was 36-59 years old,and the difference in the incidence of foodborne diseases in different age groups was statistically significant(P<0.05).The occupation type with the highest proportion was farmers,followed by workers and students,and the difference in the incidence of foodborne diseases among different occupational categories was statistically significant(P<0.05).The onset time had obvious seasonality and was mainly in summer and autumn(P<0.05).The suspected exposed food was mainly fruits and their products,followed by mixed food,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Among different eating places,homes were the main ones,and the distribution of foodborne disease patients in different eating places was statistically significant(P<0.05).The number of clustered cases was the highest in 2019 and the lowest in 2021,and the difference over the five years was statistically significant(P<0.001).Conclusion From 2019 to 2023,the incidence of foodborne diseases in Jiyuan City showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing.The main population affected were females,the main occupational type was farmers,the main season was summer and autumn,and the main eating place was home.It is necessary to strengthen targeted publicity and education on food safety knowledge to reduce the occurrence of foodborne diseases.


济源市疾病预防控制中心 卫生监测科,河南 济源 459000济源市疾病预防控制中心 卫生监测科,河南 济源 459000济源市疾病预防控制中心 卫生监测科,河南 济源 459000



foodborne diseasesepidemiological characteristicsmonitoring

《临床研究》 2024 (7)


