Damage characteristics of cylindrical shell structure subjected to double UNDEX
[目的]旨在充分研究多种毁伤元对目标毁伤的模式,分析双爆源水下爆炸对圆柱壳结构的毁伤效应.[方法]首先,建立圆柱壳有限元模型,采用任意拉格朗日-欧拉(ALE)方法对单/双爆源水下爆炸下圆柱壳的毁伤特性展开研究;然后,从破口面积、最大垂向位移和塑性应变区域面积等特征参数方面评价结构的毁伤效果,并以 500 kg TNT装药为例进行计算分析.[结果]结果显示,对于间距为 1 m的双爆源水下爆炸,同等当量的双爆源相比单爆源的爆炸会对圆柱壳外板造成更严重的毁伤,但对圆柱壳内板的毁伤不如单爆源;对于间距大于 3 m的双爆源水下爆炸,随着间距的增加,爆炸对圆柱壳结构的毁伤效果逐渐减弱.[结论]通过计算不同初始参数下水下爆炸对圆柱壳结构的毁伤,所获取的单/双爆源水下爆炸对圆柱壳结构的毁伤规律结果可为增强水下作战武器威力提供参考.
[Objective]This paper studies the damage modes of targets simultaneously subjected to multiple damage elements by analyzing the damage characteristics of a cylindrical shell structure subject to a double underwater explosion(UNDEX).[Methods]First,a finite element model of the cylindrical shell is estab-lished,then the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian(ALE)method is used to investigate its damage characteristics when subject to UNDEX with single or dual explosion sources,and the damage effects are evaluated in terms of the structural fracture area,maximum vertical displacement and extent of plastic strain area,and the 500 kg TNT charge is calculated and analyzed.[Results]The results show that when the standoff distance of dual explosion source is 1 m,the damage to the outer cylindrical shell is more serious when the standoff distance of dual explosion sources is equal to that of the single explosion source,but the damage to the inner cylindrical shell is less than that of the single explosion source.At the same time,with the increase in standoff distance of the two TNT charges,especially when the standoff distance is greater than 3 m,the damage effects on the cyl-indrical shell structure become weaker.[Conclusions]By calculating the damage to a cylindrical shell structure by UNDEX under different initial parameters,the general rules of damage to cylindrical shell struc-tures by single and dual explosion sources are given,which can provide references for enhancing the power of underwater weapons.
中国人民解放军 91388 部队,辽宁 大连 116041北京机电工程总体设计部,北京 100854哈尔滨工程大学 船舶工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001
underwater explosionstructural damagedual explosion sourcesbubbleshockwave
《中国舰船研究》 2024 (3)