

Effects of Different Types of Potassium Fertilizers on Sugar Beet Yield and Soil Characteristics


[目的]本研究基于当前甜菜生产力发展水平,为了明确适宜当地甜菜施用的钾肥类型,[方法]通过田间小区试验,以当地生产中常用甜菜品种'IM1162'为研究对象,施用不同用量的氯化钾肥和硫酸钾肥,比较硫酸钾和氯化钾对甜菜生长发育及土壤特性的影响.[结果]硫酸钾、氯化钾施用均可提高甜菜产量和含糖率,其中硫酸钾(K2 O∶180 kg/hm2)和氯化钾(K2O∶180 kg/hm2)处理的产量比对照分别增加3.45%、3.69%,含糖率比对照分别增加 2.43、1.25 个百分点,但施用氯化钾甜菜增糖效果不显著;与施用硫酸钾相比,施用氯化钾肥料会导致土壤pH值降低至7.0 以下,其土壤电导率比硫酸钾处理增加 3.18%~8.92%,并存在抑制甜菜对氮、磷吸收的潜在风险.[结论]结果表明适宜于甜菜施用的钾肥类型为硫酸钾.

[Objective]Identifying the appropriate types of potassium fertilizer for local sugar beet production according to the current level of sugar beet productivity.[Methods]Taking the commonly grown sugar beet variety'IM1162'as the research object,different amount of potassium chloride and potassium sulfate were applied to compare the effect of potassium sulfate and potassium chloride on the growth and development of sugar beets and soil characteristics in field plot experiments.[Results]The application of potassium sulfate and potassium chloride could both increase sugar beet yield and sugar content.Among them,potassium sulfate(K2 O:180 kg/hm2)and potassium chloride(K2 O:180 kg/hm2)treatments increased sugar beet yield by 3.45%and 3.69%,respectively,compared to the control group,and the sugar content increased by 2.43 and 1.25 percentage points respectively compared to the control,but the application of potassium chloride did not significantly effect on the increase of sugar content;Compared to the application of potassium sulfate,the application of potassium chloride fertilizer could lead to a decrease in soil pH below 7.0,an increase in ion conductivity by 3.18%-8.92%,and had a potential risk of inhibiting sugar beet uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus.[Conclusion]The results indicate that the suitable type of potassium fertilizer for sugar beet application is potassium sulfate.


内蒙古呼和浩特市和林格尔县农牧技术推广中心,呼和浩特 011500内蒙古农业大学农学院,呼和浩特 010018



sugar beetpotassium chloridepotassium sulfateyieldsoil characteristics

《中国糖料》 2024 (003)

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