Superior rectus muscle transposition surgery for the treatment of restrictive horizontal strabismus with limited rotation
目的 分析上直肌移位术治疗转动受限水平斜视的临床效果.方法 回顾性系列病例研究.收集2013年1月至2022年9月武汉大学附属爱尔眼科医院收治的转动受限的水平斜视患者19例19眼,内斜视12例,外斜视7例,行上直肌移位术,比较手术前后第一眼位的斜视度和眼球受限程度.随访6个月.结果 19例19眼患者中4例(4眼)患者行上直肌转位术,13例(13眼)患者行上直肌转位联合麻痹肌的拮抗肌后徙术,2例(2眼)患者行上直肌转位联合麻痹肌的拮抗肌断腱术,其中被动牵拉试验阳性者11例.斜视度由术前 88.16△±29.30△矫正到术后 6.74△±1.73△(t=12.529,P<0.05).眼球运动受限由术前(7.74±0.35)mm 矫正至术后(4.79±0.86)mm(t=16.836,P<0.05).19例患者术后均未出现眼前段缺血,垂直斜视或旋转斜视,代偿头位均消失.结论 上直肌移位术治疗转动受限的水平斜视能有效矫正第一眼位的斜视,改善眼球运动,消除代偿头位,获得满意的临床效果.
Objective To analyze the clinical outcomes of superior rectus muscle transposition surgery for the treatment of restrictive horizontal strabismus with limited rotation.Methods A retrospective case series study was conducted.Nineteen patients(19 eyes)with restrictive horizontal strabismus treated at Wuhan University's Affiliated Ai'er Eye Hospital from January 2013 to September 2022 were included.Twelve patients had esotropia,and seven had exotropia.All patients underwent superior rectus muscle transposition surgery.The pre-and postoperative degrees of strabismus and limitation of ocular movement were compared using paired sample t-tests.Follow-up was conducted for six months.Results Among the 19 patients(19 eyes),four eyes underwent superior rectus muscle transposition alone,13 eyes underwent superior rectus muscle transposition combined with recession of the antagonist muscle,and two eyes underwent superior rectus muscle transposition combined with tenotomy of the antagonist muscle.Positive results were obtained in 11 cases of forced duction test.The degree of strabismus decreased from preoperative(88.16△±29.30△)to postoperative(6.74△±1.73△)(t=12.529,P<0.05).The limitation of ocular movement decreased from preoperative(7.74±0.35)mm to postoperative(4.79±0.86)mm(t=16.836,P<0.05).None of the 19 patients developed anterior segment ischemia,vertical or torsional strabismus postoperatively,and compensatory head posture disappeared.Conclusions Superior rectus muscle transposition surgery is effective in correcting the primary position of strabismus,improving ocular movement,eliminating compensatory head posture,and achieving satisfactory clinical outcomes for the treatment of restrictive horizontal strabismus with limited rotation.
430063 武汉大学附属爱尔眼科医院430063 武汉大学附属爱尔眼科医院430063 武汉大学附属爱尔眼科医院430063 武汉大学附属爱尔眼科医院430063 武汉大学附属爱尔眼科医院
Superior rectus muscle transpositionTreatmentStrabismus
《中国斜视与小儿眼科杂志》 2024 (2)