

A systematic review of risk prediction models for myopia in adolescents


目的 系统评价青少年近视风险预测模型的现况.方法 以近视和风险预测模型相关的两组中英文关键词进行文献检索.根据CHARMS清单制定提取表,以PROBAST工具评估偏倚风险.结果 共纳入36篇文献.预测结局包含近视、高度近视及屈光度.使用较多的预测因素为SE及生物测量参数.模型表现上,32项研究报告了区分度(88.89%),7项(19.44%)研究报告了校准度.偏倚风险评价发现所有模型均为高风险,尤其在分析领域.问题集中在缺失数据处理不当、模型表现评价不完整、内外验证缺乏.结论 青少年近视风险预测模型有一定数量,但质量参差不齐,亟须提高统计分析细节,对现有模型进行外部验证,以更好地指导筛查.

Objective To systematically summarize and assess risk prediction models for the occurrence of myopia.Methods Two keywords related to myopia and risk prediction model were searched on Chinese databases(CNKI,Wanfang)and English(PubMed,Embase,and Cochrane Library).The information form was created based on the CHARMS checklist.The PROBAST was used to assess the risk of bias.Results A total of 36 studies were includ-ed.Predicted outcomes included myopia,high myopia,and equivalent spherical lens(SE).The most frequently used predictors were SE and biometric parameters.Regarding model performance,32 studies reported discrimination(88.89%)and 7(19.44%)reported calibration.All studies were at high risk of bias,especially in the analysis domain.Problems centered on improper processing of missing data,incomplete evaluation of model performance,and lack of internal and external validation.Conclusion There are a certain number of myopia risk prediction models in adolescents,but the quality is uneven.It is urgent to improve the details of statistical analysis and external validation of the existing models to better guide screening.


102100 北京市延庆区医院(北京大学第三医院延庆医院)眼科||首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院眼科首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院眼科首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院眼科102100 北京市延庆区医院(北京大学第三医院延庆医院)眼科102100 北京市延庆区医院(北京大学第三医院延庆医院)眼科102100 北京市延庆区医院(北京大学第三医院延庆医院)眼科


Adolescent myopiaPrediction modelRisk factorsBias risk

《中国斜视与小儿眼科杂志》 2024 (2)


