

Research on Circularly Polarized Leaky-Wave Antenna Based on Slotline


本文基于槽线结构提出了一种具有前后向扫描能力的圆极化漏波天线.每个漏波单元由槽线及两根条带上加载的4个短路槽组成.每个短路槽的长度是侧射频率对应的半个导波波长,以实现前后向连续的波束扫描特性.通过设计每个短路槽的加载位置以及与传播方向的夹角,实现了漏波天线的圆极化特性.为了验证所设计的圆极化漏波天线的有效性,本文设计并加工了一款侧射频率为10 GHz的天线原型.仿真和测量结果都表明,该天线具有良好的圆极化特性和波束扫描能力.在9~11 GHz的频率范围内,该天线在上半空间为左旋圆极化,实现了-27°~+25°的扫描范围,增益变化为7.0~10.9 dBic;对称地,该天线在下半空间为右旋圆极化,实现了-153°~±180°~+155°的扫描范围,增益变化为8.4~12.3 dBic.与同类型的天线相比,本文提出的圆极化漏波天线具有更简单的单平面结构,且所采用的短路槽设计,实现了较低的通带内传输系数.

In this article,a circularly polarized leaky-wave antenna with beam-scanning from backward to forward is proposed based on the slotline structure.Each leaky-wave unit cell consists of a slotline and four short-ended slots loaded on the two strips.To realize the property of backward-to-forward beam scanning,the length of each short-ended slot is about half of the guided wavelength at the broadside frequency.By designing the location of the short-ended slots as well as the angle between the short-ended slot and the propagation direction of the guided wave,the circularly polarized ability is obtained.As a validation of the proposed circularly polarized leaky-wave antenna,a prototype with broadside frequency of 10 GHz is designed and fabricated.Both the simulated results and the measured results show that this antenna exhibits good properties of circular polarization and beam scanning.The measured results suggest that this antenna exhibits left-handed circular polarization in the upper-half space above the antenna plane,and scans from-27° to+25° with gain varia-tion of 7.0 to 10.9 dBic as the frequency varies from 9 GHz to 11 GHz.Symmetrically,this antenna features right-handed circular polarization in the lower-half space below the antenna plane,with beam scanning from-153° through±180° to+155°and gain variation of 8.4~12.3 dBic.Compared with the reported antennas,the proposed circularly polarized leaky-wave antenna features a simple configuration.Meanwhile,the proposed design based on the short-ended slot achieves a low transmission coefficient in the working band.


电子科技大学电子科学与工程学院,四川成都 611731电子科技大学电子科学与工程学院,四川成都 611731



circularly polarized antennaleaky-wave antennaperiodic structureseamless beam scanningslotline

《电子学报》 2024 (5)


国家自然科学基金(No.61971115,No.61721001) National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.61971115,No.61721001)

