

Passive Wireless Temperature Measurement System for Switchgear Cabinet Based on Radio Frequency Technology



The safe operation of distribution switchgear cabinet is very important to ensure the reliability of power supply.The temperature monitoring of distribution switchgear cabinet is an important means to judge the fault in the early stage and diagnose the fault in the late stage.In this paper,a kind of passive wireless temperature measurement system for switchgear cabinet based on RF technology is developed,which is used for temperature state monitoring of distribution equipment.Such issues as power supply life of sensing equipment can be reduced through the passive wireless method.Moreover,such related technology as the sensing,communication and packaging technology of the sensor equipment in the system is studied and the working flow of the system operation is also design.The actual oper-ating environment test and performance as well as function test of the system are carried out.The test test results show that the system is suitable for the temperature monitoring of the switchgear cabinet and has a certain promotion significance for the intelligent and wireless sensing nodes of the smart distribution network,as well as the self-gener-ating energy and the self-organizing network.


贵州电网有限责任公司贵阳供电局,贵阳 550000西安交通大学电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室,西安 710049


distribution switchgear cabinettemperature sensingwireless transmissionradio frequency technolo-gypassive device

《高压电器》 2024 (007)

138-147 / 10

中国南方电网有限责任公司科技项目(GZKJXM2019127). Project Supported by China Southern Power Grid Co.,Ltd.Science and Technology Project(GZKJXM2019127).

