

Flow quality analysis and improvement of hypersonic nozzle


飞行器的发展,对风洞不同模拟条件下气动和操稳特性的准确预测提出了更高需求.风洞流场品质是影响试验数据精准度的主要因素之一,本文以某风洞马赫数 5.5 喷管为研究对象,开展喷管出口流场不均匀性研究.通过数值计算捕捉喷管内部微弱波系结构,分析喷管型面设计方法、型面加工精度和型面拼接处阶差等因素对喷管出口流场品质的影响,并与风洞流场校测结果进行对比分析,得出目前影响喷管出口流场品质的主要因素是拼接处阶差,并针对该因素提出了改进策略,通过对喷管合理分段减少波系对试验区域影响,以进一步提升风洞流场品质.

With the development of aircraft,higher requirements are put forward for the accurate prediction of aerodynamic and operating characteristics under different wind tunnel simulation conditions.The flow quality of wind tunnel is one of the main factors affecting the accuracy of wind tunnel test data.A Mach 5.5 nozzle used as the research object in this paper,the non-uniformity of nozzle outlet flow field is studied.The structure of weak waves in nozzle is captured by numerical simulation.The influence of different factors on the quality of nozzle outlet flow field is analyzed,including the profile design method,profile machining accuracy and step joint at profile splicing.Combined with the comparison and analysis of the wind tunnel calibration results,it is concluded that the main factor affecting the quality of nozzle outlet flow field is the step joint at profile splicing.An improvement strategy of segment the nozzle properly is proposed to improve the quality of flow field.


中国空气动力研究与发展中心超高速空气动力研究所,绵阳 621000中国空气动力研究与发展中心超高速空气动力研究所,绵阳 621000中国空气动力研究与发展中心超高速空气动力研究所,绵阳 621000中国空气动力研究与发展中心超高速空气动力研究所,绵阳 621000中国空气动力研究与发展中心超高速空气动力研究所,绵阳 621000


hypersonicflow qualitynozzle designstep jointnozzle segmentoptimal design

《空气动力学学报》 2024 (5)


