

Hierarchical wind farm layout optimization considering different constraint conditions


为了提高风电场布局优化中尾流模型预测精度,以便能够较好预测风机安装台数和最大限度降低度电成本,本文基于改进三维尾流模型,考虑风力机处于不同约束区间,采用分级优化策略对 2 km×2 km风电场进行精确布局优化.首先,利用网格法对风电场进行第一阶优化;其次,考虑不同约束区间,采用坐标法对第一级优化结果进行第二阶优化.研究表明:与Jensen尾流模型相比,改进后的三维尾流模型可以更合理地优化风电场布局;考虑收敛速度及度电成本,当约束区域为limit=150、200 m时,第二阶算法迭代速度较快,优化后其度电成本为 0.8498/W,相比第一阶优化结果,降低了 3.33%.

Low prediction accuracy of wake model for wind farm layout and the impact of different constraint regions on the optimization results hinder the accurate prediction of the wind turbine number and minimize the energy cost.Based on an improved 3D wake model,a 2 km×2 km wind farm layout is optimized using a hierarchical optimization strategy by taking different constraint conditions into account.The coordinate method is used to perform the second-order optimization on the first-order optimization results obtained by the grid method.It is shown that compared to the Jensen wake model,an improved 3D wake model is more reasonable to optimize the wind farm layout.Considering the convergence speed and the power cost,when the constraint interval is limit=150 and 200 m,the second-order algorithm has a faster iterative speed,and the power cost is 0.8498/W,which is 3.33%lower than the first-order optimization.The optimized layout shield light on the wind turbines installation.


广东海洋大学机械与能源工程学院,阳江 529500广东中科启航技术有限公司,佛山 528225佛山市南海区广工大数控装备协同创新研究院,佛山 528225湖北工业大学机械工程学院,武汉 430068



wind farm layoutconstraint regionsimproved wake modelhierarchical optimizationpower costwind turbine

《空气动力学学报》 2024 (005)

110-117 / 8


