

Research and application of reasonable width of flexible formwork concrete wall for retaining roadways along the gob in Daliuta coal mine


针对浅埋煤层沿空留巷柔模砼墙留设宽度问题,以大柳塔煤矿 52605 工作面为工程背景,运用相似模拟试验、数值模拟和理论分析方法,研究大采高沿空留巷柔模砼墙合理宽度,构建柔模砼墙沿空留巷力学模型.研究结果表明:随着砼墙尺寸增加,在采场顶板回转下沉过程中柔模砼墙非对称变形现象更加明显;工作面回采阶段实体煤帮侧出现的应力集中与柔模砼墙尺寸无明显相关性;砼墙宽度为 1.2 m时,能够满足巷道支护强度,围岩变形较小,且巷肩处不会出现应力集中;在现场实测中,采用 1.2 m 宽的砼墙,顶底板最大变形量不超过287 mm,砼墙最大变形量不超过 120 mm,回采巷道围岩位移量呈先增加后稳定的趋势.研究结论为较大采高工作面沿空留巷巷旁支护体宽度的确定提供理论参考.

Aiming at the problem of the width of the flexible concrete wall of the gob-side entry retaining in shallow coal seam,the 52605 working face of Daliuta coal mine is taken as the engineering background.Using the methods of similar simulation test,numerical simulation and theoretical analysis,the reasonable width of flexible formwork concrete wall in gob-side entry retaining with large mining height is systematically studied.The mechanical model of gob-side entry retaining with flexible formwork concrete wall is constructed.The research results show that with the increase of the size of the concrete wall,the asymmetric deformation of the flexographic concrete wall becomes more obvious in the process of the stope roof rotation and subsidence.There is no obvious correlation between the stress concentration on the side of the solid coal wall and the size of the flexible formwork concrete wall in the mining stage of the working face.When the width of the concrete wall is 1.2 m,it can meet the support strength of the roadway,the deformation of the surrounding rock is small,and the stress concentration will not occur at the shoulder of the roadway.In the field measurement,1.2 m wide concrete wall is adopted,the maximum deformation of the roof and floor is not more than 287 mm,and the maximum deformation of the concrete wall is not more than 120 mm.The displacement of surrounding rock in mining roadway shows a trend of increasing first and then stabilizing.The research conclusion provides a theoretical reference for the determination of the width of the supporting body beside the gob-side entry retaining in the working face with large mining height.


国家能源集团神东煤炭集团有限责任公司 神东煤炭技术研究院,陕西 榆林 719315



gob-side entry retainingroadside supportflexible formwork concrete wallFLAC3D simulationsurrounding rock control

《辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (003)

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