

Exploring Congenital Circuit Qi Characteristics and Treatment Strategies for Patients with Gastric Cancer Based on Five Circuits and Six Qi Theory



Objectives:To explore the distribution characteristics of the congenital five circuits and six qi in patients with gastric cancer,to summarize their circuit qi characteristics,and to explore treatment strategies accordingly.Methods:A total of 668 patients with gastric cancer were selected as the research subjects.The differences in their birth dates in terms of circuit qi characteristics such as year circuit,dominating qi,guest qi,celestial qi,terrestrial qi,and circuit qi correspondence were explored and analyzed.The innate characteristics of circuit qi of patients with gastric cancer were explored,and corresponding treatment strategies were proposed accordingly.Results:The proportion of patients with gastric cancer was highest in those born in the year circuit of deficient earth circuit and excessive water circuit,with shaoshang as the dominate circuit,taigong as the guest circuit,taiyang cold water as guest qi,and yangming dry metal as celestial qi/shaoyin monarch fire as fuest circuit,celestial qi.There was no significantly statistical difference in the distribution of year circuit,dominating circuit,guest qi,celestial qi and terrestrial qi(P>0.05).The guest circuits with the same attributes were combined and it was found that the proportion of patients with gastric cancer of earth guest circuit was the highest,while the proportion of patients with gastric cancer of wood guest circuit was the lowest.The difference in the distribution of guest circuit attributes was statistically significant(P<0.05).The proportion of patients with gastric cancer born in yangming dry metal as dominate qi was the highest,while the proportion of patients with gastric cancer born in shaoyang ministerial fire as dominating qi was the lowest.The difference in the distribution of dominating qi was statistically significant(P<0.05).In addition,since the distribution of circuit qi correspondence in the sixty-year cycle is not even,circuit qi correspondence distribution of birth dates of patients with gastric cancer was compared with that in the sixty-year cycle,and it was found that the proportion of patients with gastric cancer born in years of sequential transformation and celestial tormenting significantly increased,while the proportion of patients with gastric cancer born in the year of mild reverse significantly decreased.The difference in circuit qi correspondence distribution was statistically significant(P<0.0001).Conclusions:The congenital circuit qi of patients with gastric cancer is mainly characterized by liver stagnation and spleen deficiency,dryness and coldness,and the treatment should be pacifying liver and harmonizing stomach,supplemented by nourishing yin and moistening dryness,protecting yang qi,with acupuncture and Chinese medicinals applied in combination.


上海中医药大学附属市中医医院,上海 200071上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院,上海 200025



five circuits and six qigastric cancertreatment strategycircuit qi correspondenceliver stagna-tion and spleen deficiency

《山东中医杂志》 2024 (007)

707-714 / 8


