

Analysis of the opposition relationship in water resource set pair system



The opposition relationship between the identity and opposition items in water resource set pair system is the concentrated reflection of the dialectical thinking of water resource set pair analysis.It is also the cornerstone of building connection number of set pair system.Through the analysis of the corresponding relationship between the common five types of opposition relationship concept analysis and their applications,and the uncertainty analysis of water resources set pair for the five types of opposite relationship to the system difference items,we have gained some understanding of the complex and profound meaning of the opposite relationship as follows.The common oppo-sites of inverse ratio,mutual exclusion,positive and negative type,complementary type and virtual and real type in the water resources set pair system can be generated,analyzed and calculated by fuzzy,random,fluctuation,distribution and existence uncertainty variables respectively.In the set pair system,the most basic opposition rela-tionships are the inverse and mutually exclusive opposition,and the corresponding fuzziness and randomness refer to the uncertainty in terms of the content,nature,and number of results of the event occurrence.The change of the uncertainty of the difference item is the cause of the change for the three kinds of relations between the same,different and opposite in the connection number,and also is a typical expansion of the dialectical thinking of"one divided into three",reflecting the transformation law from quantitative change to qualitative change.Fuzzy uncer-tainty is the most common of the five types of uncertainty characterized by difference terms,and the operation of fuzzy uncertainty variable can be converted into the operation of random uncertainty variable through random simula-tion technology.The analysis of fuzzy and random uncertainty focuses on the analysis of physical connotation and mathematical quantitative calculation respectively,which reflects that the discipline of water resource set pair anal-ysis belongs to the field of computational thinking,and it has obvious enlightening and guiding significance for fur-ther promoting the development of fuzzy hydrology,stochastic hydrology,water resources set pair analysis,and structural water resources science.


合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院,安徽合肥 230009||合肥工业大学水资源与环境系统工程研究所,安徽合肥 230009蚌埠学院土木与水利工程学院,安徽蚌埠 233030



set pair analysis of water resourcesopposition relationshipset pair systemconnection numberuncertainty analysisdialectical thinkingcomputational thinking

《水利学报》 2024 (006)

666-674 / 9


