

3D model test study on dam-break of tailings pond under drainage failure



In order to overcome the influence of the 2D test tank edge wall effect on the seepage direction and fail-ure position of the seepage failure mode of tailings pond,a tailings pond is taken as a prototype and conducts a model test study of tailings pond dam break induced by the failure of drainage facilities based on a self-designed 3D tailings pond dam failure model test platform.The failure mode and mechanism of the tailings pond are revealed.The results show that:(1)the dam break caused by drainage failure presents a gradual and sudden outburst evolu-tionary pattern consisting of local soil flow failure,cumulative deformation of dam body,deep sliding surface de-velopment,and overall sudden instability.(2)The significant change in pore water pressure is a key response indi-cator for seepage failure of the dam body.It indicates that the dam body will transform from part scattered softening,soil flow,and collapse at the front and rear edges of the sliding body to large-scale collapse in a short period of time,and can serve as a precursor to dam break accidents.(3)The process of tailings dam break induced by the failure of drainage facilities has the characteristics of gradual and sudden changes.The process of scattered softening and soil flow failure takes a long time,and the time for deep sliding and collapse is very short,which can provide reference for the treatment of seepage damage hazards and emergency response to dam collapse in tailings ponds.The research results have important practical significance for the prediction and control of tailings dam failures.


石家庄铁道大学,河北石家庄 050043石家庄铁道大学,河北石家庄 050043||河北省应急管理科学研究院,河北石家庄 050000石家庄职业技术学院,河北石家庄 050000铜源国际工程设计研究有限公司,河北秦皇岛 066000



tailings pondmodel testingpore water pressuresoil flow failuredam collapse

《水利学报》 2024 (006)

735-743 / 9


