

An enrichment strategy based on hydrophobic tagging and reversed-phase chromatographic separation for the analysis of lysine-containing peptides


赖氨酸(K)已被广泛用于靶向赖氨酸的交联剂设计、蛋白质复合物的结构解析以及蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用等研究领域.在基于液相色谱-串联质谱(LC-MS/MS)联用技术的"鸟枪法"蛋白质组学研究中,复杂生物样品中的蛋白质被酶切成上万条肽段,为直接分析含有K的肽段带来了巨大挑战.鉴于目前缺乏针对含K多肽的有效富集方法,本工作发展了一种基于疏水标记试剂C10-S-S-NHS和反相色谱分离的方法(简称HYTARP),实现对复杂样品中含K多肽的高效富集和鉴定.合成的C10-S-S-NHS试剂可以高效标记含不同数目K的标准肽段,且对HeLa细胞蛋白酶解肽段的标记效率高达96%.通过考察标记肽段在反相色谱中的保留行为,发现大部分被标记的含K肽段在流动相中乙腈比例升高至约57.6%(v/v)时开始洗脱.进一步优化色谱洗脱梯度,发现阶梯式洗脱能够实现对复杂样品酶解肽段中标记的K肽段的高效分离和富集.富集后样品中含K肽段的占比>90%,较富集前提高了 35%.富集的含K肽段对应蛋白质的丰度动态范围跨越了 5~6个数量级,实现了对复杂样品中低丰度蛋白质的鉴定.综上,本工作发展的HYTARP策略为降低样品复杂度、提高含K肽段及低丰度蛋白质的鉴定覆盖率提供了一种简单、高效的方法.

Lysine(K)is widely used in the design of lysine-targeted crosslinkers,structural elucidation of protein complexes,and analysis of protein-protein interactions.In"shotgun"proteomics,which is based on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(LC-MS/MS),proteins from complex samples are enzymatically digested,generating thousands of pep-tides and presenting significant challenges for the direct analysis of K-containing peptides.In view of the lack of effective methods for the enrichment of K-containing peptides,this work de-veloped a method which based on a hydrophobic-tag-labeling reagent C10-S-S-NHS and re-versed-phase chromatography(termed as HYTARP)to achieve the efficient enrichment and identification of K-containing peptides from complex samples.The C10-S-S-NHS synthesized in this work successfully labeled standard peptides containing various numbers of K and the labe-ling efficiency achieved up to 96%for HeLa cell protein tryptic digests.By investigating the retention behavior of these labeled peptides in C18 RP column,we found that most K-labeled peptides were eluted once when acetonitrile percentage reached 57.6%(v/v).Further optimi-zation of the elution gradient enabled the efficient separation and enrichment of the K-labeled peptides in HeLa digests via a stepwise elution gradient.The K-labeled peptides accounted for 90%in the enriched peptides,representing an improvement of 35%compared with the number of peptides without the enrichment.The dynamic range of proteins quantified from the enriched K-containing peptides spans 5-6 orders of magnitude,and realized the detection of low-abun-dance proteins in the complex sample.In summary,the HYTARP strategy offers a straightfor-ward and effective approach for reducing sample complexity and improving the identification coverage of K-containing peptides and low-abundance proteins.


宁波大学新药技术研究院,浙江宁波 315211中国科学院大连化学物理研究所,中国科学院分离分析化学重点实验室,辽宁大连 116023宁波大学新药技术研究院,浙江宁波 315211||中国科学院大连化学物理研究所,中国科学院分离分析化学重点实验室,辽宁大连 116023



hydrophobic taggingenrichmentliquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrome-try(LC-MS/MS)lysine-containing peptides

《色谱》 2024 (007)

721-729 / 9

宁波市顶尖人才项目(215-432094250);宁波大学王宽诚幸福基金.Ningbo Top Talent Project(No.215-432094250);the K.C.Wong Magna Fund in Ningbo University.

