Analysis and Control Measures of the Temperature and Contraction Effect of the Large Underground Hub Structure
Aiming at underground comprehensive transportation hub structures with large volume,complicated structure,and irregular large-scale holes,the shrinking effect of concrete and the temperature decrease effect of environment on the structure are explored.Based on the entire construction process and the numerical simulation during the operation of Shenzhen Dayun Comprehensive Transportation Hub,the calculation and application meth-ods of temperature and shrinking effect are studied to obtain the deformation and stress characteristics of structure components under the single condition of the temperature or shrinking effect and the combination of all loads.The characteristics are compared with the results without considering temperature and shrinking effect.The results show that components contraction deformation caused by temperature and shrinking effect is differentiated,especially in irregular large-scale holes;Temperature and shrinking effect has less impact on the bending moment and shear force of structural components,but has more obvious impact on the axial force.And it's mainly related to the length of the component,the constraints etc.;It cause long beams,long plates and walls(horizontal direction)obviously ten-sioned,and the tension is significantly increased besides large-scale holes;But the effects of the tension on columns,walls and other vertical load-bearing components is less.At the same time,the targeted design and construction control measures are proposed which can provide reference and guidance for calculation and design of comprehen-sive hub structures.
中国铁路设计集团有限公司,天津 300142
comprehensive underground hubirregular large-scale holestemperature stressconcrete shrinkagenumerical simulation
《市政技术》 2024 (7)