Analysis of the Impact of Bedrock Thermal Expansion on Three-Dimensional Surficial Annual Deformation in Southwest China
全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satellite System,GNSS)可以监测获取地表形变时间序列,其中的周年信号除包含负荷形变外,还有由于地表温度变化引起的基岩热膨胀效应.利用全球三维热弹性形变模型,对中国西南地区39个陆态网观测站在U、E、N三个方向的热膨胀效应进行估计,分析GNSS时间序列在热膨胀效应改正前后,与GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment)和 GRACE Follow-On(GRACE-FO)卫星重力观测所反映地表负荷形变的符合程度.结果表明,加以热膨胀效应改正后,GNSS垂直分量(U方向)与卫星重力结果的符合程度略微减弱;而在水平分量E方向的符合程度有一定改善,但N方向出现较显著的减弱.该文得到的西南地区研究结果与已有全球或者大尺度区域的研究结果不一致,表明利用全球热弹性形变模型估计不同区域热膨胀效应的精度需要进一步评估,并且其对地表三维形变的影响也值得后续深入研究.
The annual signals in the Global Navigation Satellite System(GNSS)surface deformation time series include not only load deformation but also thermal expansion caused by the change of Earth's surficial temperature.Using a global three-dimensional thermoe-lastic deformation model,the thermal expansion effects of 39 crustal movement observation network of China(CMONOC)stations in the U,E,and N directions in southwestern China are estimated.Then the consistency between GNSS time series(before and after correcting thermal expansion effects)and load deformation derived from satellite gravity observations is analyzed,by comparing GNSS results with the calculations from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experience(GRACE)and GRACE Follow-On(GRACE-FO).After correcting for thermal expansion effects,the results indicate that the correspondence between the vertical component(U direction)of GNSS and the GRACE/GRACE-FO results is slightly weakened.On the horizontal component,the consistence in the E direction improves to some extent,but there exists a significant decrease in the N direction.The results presented in this paper in the southwest region are inconsistent with existing global or large-scale regional studies,indicating that the accuracy of estimating thermal expansion effects in different regions by using global thermoelastic deformation models needs to be further evaluated,and its impact on three-dimensional surface deformation is also worth further in-depth research.
中国科学院上海天文台,上海 200030||中国科学院大学天文与空间科学学院,北京 100049美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校空间研究中心,奥斯汀78759中国科学院上海天文台,上海 200030||中国科学院大学天文与空间科学学院,北京 100049中国科学院上海天文台,上海 200030||中国科学院大学天文与空间科学学院,北京 100049
thermal expansionload deformationGNSSGRACEGRACE-FO
《天文学进展》 2024 (2)