

Genetic Structure Analysis of Taishan Black Pig Based on SNP and ROH


旨在从分子水平解析泰山黑猪群体的遗传多样性与家系结构,为泰山黑猪选育和保护提供科学理论依据.本研究利用"中芯一号"SNP芯片对130头核心群泰山黑猪进行群体遗传结构分析.结果发现,泰山黑猪育种群体平均期望杂合度(He)为0.367,平均观察杂合度(Ho)为0.397,有效群体含量(Ne)为5.0,泰山黑猪育种群体平均多态性信息含量(PIC)为0.285,IBS平均遗传距离为0.277,G矩阵结果与IBS矩阵一致,表明泰山黑猪群体之间亲缘关系中等.130头泰山黑猪共检测到2 777条ROHs,单个ROH平均长度为6.21 Mb,所有ROH范围在1.54 M~187.61 Mb,基于ROH的近交系数(FROH)平均为0.054.将130头泰山黑猪划分为1~4个家系,母猪额外划分1个其他家系.上述结果表明,泰山黑猪群体内家系数量适中,个体亲缘关系呈中等程度,近交系数较低,群体的遗传多样性较高.个别家系公猪数量偏少,后期应注意后代的选育,避免造成血统流失;选择与母猪亲缘关系较远的个体交配的后代进行留种,逐渐降低群体近交系数.

The aim of the article was to analyze the genetic diversity and pedigree structure of the Taishan black pig population at the molecular level,provided a scientific theoretical basis for breeding and conservation efforts.In this study,the"Zhongxin No.1"chip was used to analyze the population genetic structure of 130 core Taishan black pigs.The results revealed that the average expected het-erozygosity(He)of the Taishan black pig breeding population was 0.367,with an average observed heterozygosity(Ho)of 0.397,The ef-fective population size(Ne)was 5.0,and the average polymorphic information content(PIC)of the Taishan black pig breeding population was 0.285.The average identity-by-state(IBS)genetic distance was 0.277,and the G matrix results were consistent with the IBS matrix,indicating a moderate kinship between Taishan black pig populations.A total of 2 777 runs of homozygosity(ROHs)were detected a-mong the 130 Taishan black pigs,with an average length of 6.21 Mb per ROH,ranging from 1.54 Mb to 187.61 Mb.The average in-breeding coefficient(FROH)based on ROH was 0.054.The 130 Taishan black pigs were divided into 1~4 lineages,with an additional lin-eage designated for sows.The above results indicated that the number of lineages within the Taishan black pig population was moderate,with a moderate degree of kinship among individuals and a low level of inbreeding,suggesting high genetic diversity within the popula-tion.Some lineages had a low number of boars,indicated a need for attention in the selection of descendants to avoid loss of genetic lin-eage.It was advisable to mate descendants with distant maternal kinship to gradually reduce the population's inbreeding coefficient.


山东农业大学动物科技学院/农业农村部非粮饲料资源高效利用重点实验室(部省共建),山东泰安 271017山东农业大学动物科技学院/农业农村部非粮饲料资源高效利用重点实验室(部省共建),山东泰安 271017宁阳县农业高新技术产业发展服务中心,山东泰安 271409泰安巴夫巴夫农业科技有限公司,山东泰安 271403泰安巴夫巴夫农业科技有限公司,山东泰安 271403山东农业大学动物科技学院/农业农村部非粮饲料资源高效利用重点实验室(部省共建),山东泰安 271017山东农业大学动物科技学院/农业农村部非粮饲料资源高效利用重点实验室(部省共建),山东泰安 271017



Taishan black piggeneticdiversitypedigreestructureROHSNP

《中国猪业》 2024 (3)



